Step 1 - Notification of Receipt of Documentation

Within five working days of receiving written documentation of a disability, ODS will notify the student in writing that the report has been received. 

Step 2 - Internal Review of Documentation

ODS staff will begin reviewing the written documentation of disability after the following two conditions have been met.

  • The student has submitted a written and signed or in person request for accommodations or documentation review.
  • MSU has received the student's application for admission.

If the staff member reviewing the documentation finds shortcomings, the documentation may be sent out for a "blind" review by an appropriate external consultant (see below).

Step 3 - External Review of Documentation

Documentation which fails the internal review process may be sent out for review by an appropriate professional consultant. The review is "blind" in that all names and other identifying information are removed from the documentation before it is sent out. In most instances, MSU-Bozeman will abide by the consultant's decision concerning the adequacy of the documentation. 

Step 4 - Notification of the Outcome of the Review Process

ODS will notify the client of the outcome of the documentation review process as soon as it is completed. Under most circumstances, ODS will complete the review within twenty working days of receiving written documentation and the student's request for accommodation or review.

If the documentation is found to satisfy all guidelines for verification of a disability, ODS will notify the client that MSU-Bozeman considers him or her a person with a disability. ODS staff will request a meeting to discuss accommodation needs.