Instructions: Thank you for serving as a reference for one of our applicants. Please fill in the boxes below and submit to [email protected]. We appreciate your frank evaluation, and this information will be held in strict confidence.

Applications and Recommendations are due January 30, 2015.

Please make sure you fill in ALL boxes and radio buttons; otherwise the form will not send. If you do not know the student's major or department, please ask him/her or type in "unknown."

Instructions: For the next set of questions, please rate the applicant on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being very weak and 5 being very strong. Use N/K if you cannot evaluate from your experience.

Instructions: First, write your recommendation in a word document and save it to your computer. Then copy and paste it into the space below.

Instructions: Below, please use the space to explain in further detail why this student is deserving of a scholarship from the College of Education, Health and Human Development. Include any other information you want us to know about this applicant.