January 22, 2003
Members Present:  Gipp, Sherwood for Giroux, White, Kommers,
Schlotzhauer, Metz for Linker, Taylor, Howard, Stewart, Jones, Yoo,
Nehrir, Weaver, Amend, Locke, Levy, Bond, Jelinski, Pratt, Fisher,
Lynes-Hayes, Prawdzienski, Kempcke, Knight.

Members Absent: Young, Morrill, Engel, Anderson, Leech, Chem Engr,
Conant, Lefcort, English, Bogar, Idzerda, Lynch, Hoffman.

Others Present: Bandyopadhyay, Dooley, Fedock.

The regularly scheduled meeting was called to order by Chair Rich
Howard at 4:10 PM.  A quorum was present.  The minutes of the January
15, 2003, meeting were approved as distributed.

Chair's report - Rich Howard.
     - The Board of Regents met in Helena January 16-17.
          - The purpose of the Board and the roll of the Commissioner
          of Higher Education (CHE) were discussed.
               - It was proposed that the Commissioner be an Executive
               Secretary, not an Executive Director, of the Montana
               University System (MUS).  The Presidents of MSU and UM
               would take the lead, then, within the MUS.  After
               discussion, the CEO model currently in use was
          - The Governor has requested that the Regents study the role
          and scope of higher education within the state, in
          preparation for hiring a new CHE.  Because it would take
          several years to do such a study thoroughly, the Regents
          declined to undertake the task at this time.
          - Student Regent Hur was reappointed to the Governor for an
          unprecedented third one-year term.
          - After considerable discussion, the Board voted to allow UM
          to take over operation of the Daly Mansion.
          - Expansion of the UM stadium was approved.  The argument
          was made that increased gate revenues will cover the $2.5
          million cost, although concern was expressed that if
          increased revenues fail to do so, money from the
          instructional budget may be used to cover the shortfall.
          - A proposed tuition policy was discussed.  The most
          disturbing feature is that three tuition tiers will be
          established: MSU/UM, other 4-year schools, and 2-year
          schools.  The argument was made that students from the
          larger units make more upon graduation and so can pay higher
          tuition.  However, salaries appear to be based upon
          discipline rather than the state school from which students

Faculty Affairs Committee report - Walter Metz.
     - Changes to the proposed post-tenure review policy (Faculty
     Handbook Sections 618, 733, 734, 463) have been made, based on
     input to Faculty Affairs.  "Circuits" in the process have been
     closed, the process has been shortened, and a flowchart and
     timeline have been added.
     - As there was no further discussion, John Sherwood moved
     forwarding the proposal to the Staff Bulletin, giving faculty an
     opportunity to comment.  The motion was seconded and carried.
     - The Provost will make sure department heads and deans are aware
     of the proposal, if it is approved and added to the Faculty
     Handbook July 1, 2003.

Visit to the MSU campus by legislators.
     - Last Saturday, some legislators visited MSU to learn more about
     research taking place on campus.  On Wednesday, January 29,
     legislators will be on campus to get a first-hand look at the
     instructional aspects of the university.
     - This morning, President Gamble met with the vice-presidents and
     other campus-wide administrators and leaders to discuss the
     statement MSU hopes to make to the legislators regarding its'
     purpose and direction.
          - VP Roloff shared various data regarding the university and
          a study which discusses the economic impact of MSU.
          - The message the President would like to get across is that
          Montana's institutions of higher learning will be good
          stewards of resources, they will continue to provide a
          particular level of services, but at some point additional
          money will be needed to do so.
     - According to the Provost, an intent of the rollback to FY00
     budget levels by the legislature is to have entities list things
     they will no longer be able to do.  The legislature then has the
     option of adding money to allow certain tasks to continue.  The
     President's position will be that if MSU retreats to FY00 budget
     levels, it will also have to retreat to FY00 enrollments and
     still raise tuition to accommodate inflation since then.
     - According to the Provost, the primary goal of the visit is to
     give the legislators a sense of what MSU is doing.  Goals are to
     make it clear that MSU has outstanding faculty and students doing
     innovative and timely things through research and this is
     improving the undergraduate experience; MSU is making good use of
     its resources; and MSU is working to improve services for
     - Various groups will meet with the legislators on Wednesday,
     including representatives from Faculty Council, CEPAC, and ASMSU.
     - During the short time available, what issues should faculty
     bring to the legislators' attention?  As ways to improve the
     situation for employees, fully funding the TIAA retirement
     contribution and improving the health benefits package are
     - It was suggested legislators be taken not only to the best labs
     and classes, but give them a true picture of the physical
     environment in which faculty and students work.
     - It was asked if faculty are taking a position on raises.
     Several years ago, an attempt was made to break the cycle of
     choosing between salary increases and programs.  What are the
     implications of no raises to any progress that has been made?
     - According to the Provost, HB 15 does not include funding for
     salary increases for any state employees, although there is some
     for benefits.  Any increases that are given will be made
     internally and, if there are any, they will most likely be given
     in specific cases, such as equity raises, MAP bonuses, and other
     special circumstances.
     - Members are encouraged to contact Rich with any thoughts
     regarding the legislators' visit.

As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM.

Joann Amend, Secretary              Richard Howard, Chair