June 4-H Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Cub Meetings:
Geyser Lucky Clovers:
Stanford Scramblers: June 5, 2020
Utica Sapphires: June 1, 2020
Other Dates:
June 15, 2020 State Ambassador Officer Team Applications
June 19-21, 2020 Western Ranch Fitting Clinic & Jackpot
June 21, 2020 Fathers' Day
June 27, 2020 406 Showdown - Billings, MT
July 1, 2020 JB County Fair Entries due
Howdy, and Happy ALMOST SUMMER!
The most exciting thing so far this month, is we’re now in Phase 2. We’ve been working
hard to work on our fair plan, and have a draft being reviewed by the Central MT Health
District. It looks like if we’re in Phase 2 or 3, we should be able to pull our fair
together with minimal modifications. If we end up back in Phase 1 we’ll have to make
a few more adjustments, but we will be able to hold the event. Please continue to
follow the CDC and State of MT guidelines, and don’t put those record books off ‘til
the last minute! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to visit, please
Have a great June!
Fair Entry is OPEN!!
Please get your 2020 Judith Basin County Fair entries done by July 1st!
Go to www.fairentry.com and search Judith Basin County Fair, and use the GREEN 4HOnline Button to sign in.

Congrats to Cover Contest Winner Blaze Becker!
For his efforts he will receive a $40 Gift Card to North 40 in Great Falls.
The Montana 4-H State Ambassador program provides opportunities for youth to represent
4-H through leadership and service at the state level. State Ambassadors Officers
are a select team of Montana 4-H Ambassadors that have demonstrated leadership in
their county 4-H programs, and who are interested in developing and refining skills
to teach other 4-H youth about leadership, promotion and service.
Applications are due postmarked to the 4-H Center by June 15, 2020. The ambassador
officer selection process takes place during pre-congress events.
4-H Congress is going virtual! With the new standard we are living by these days there
have been many changes. One of these changes involves Montana 4-H Congress. Virtual
events and activities will take place during the regularly scheduled congress week,
July 6-10, 2020. Information about the event will be distributed in the following
We will be sending updates regarding officer selection, contests, workshops and other
activities as plans are made.
Leave time for the Montana Make It With Wool contests this fall. Check out the flyer in this newsletter!
The Jackpot has been changed to June 27, 2020. It will take place at the SuperBarn
at the Yellowstone County Fairgrounds in Billings, MT. This event is open to all 4-H
and FFA members. Pig weigh in will be between 6:00 & 8:00 am. The Show starts at 9:00
am. Entries must be post marked by June 17, 2020. For more information contact the
JB County Extension office or You can also visit the 406 Showdown Facebook page at:
Western Ranch Spectacular
This fitting clinic and jackpot will be held June 19th—21st. To register, go to
and follow the instructions. See the flyer below