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I. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to describe training and continuing education requirements for IACUC members.

II. Scope

This document applies to all IACUC members.

III. Process

A. New Members

Upon appointment to the IACUC,   new members will be required to complete the following training.

  1. CITI Training Essentials for IACUC Members
  2. Protocol Review Process (provided by IACUC program manager)
  3. Facility Inspection/Program Review (provided by IACUC program manager
  4. Post Approval Monitoring (provided by IACUC program manager)

Note: IACUC members fulfill facility access requirements as applicable.

B. Continuing Education of IACUC Members

  1. The IACUC Program Manager, IACUC Chair, or Attending Veterinarian are responsible for identifying and communicating educational opportunities available to the committee members such as webinars, workshops, and professional meetings sponsored by organizations (e.g.NIH/OLAW, PRIM&R, AALAS, SCAW, etc.)
  2. In-house Continuing Education sessions will be offered periodically (typically quarterly). Continuing Education sessions may take place as part of a regularly scheduled IACUC meeting Examples of training topics include, but are not limited to:
    1. Webinars: Mock protocol review and discussion.
    2. Presentation and discussion of special topics, and/or emerging trends.
    3. Presentation by IACUC members regarding sessions of interest attended at national or regional meetings.
    4. Training sessions provided by outside consultants.

IACUC Approval Date:  04/18/2018

Review Date:  04/20/2022

Issue Date:  04/26/2022