Depending on the nature of your research, your protocol may not require a formal Consent Form.

However, please include a simple consent statement written in 2nd person voice with your application (can be delivered as a written or verbal introduction to subjects) that includes the following:

    1. An introduction of yourself and your research purposes to your subjects - must clearly state that this is research conducted by Montana State University
    2. Contact info for yourself (lead PI) should subjects have any questions
    3. Contact info for the Montana State University's Institutional Review Board (use the general [email protected] email or contact info on the website). Spell out "IRB" as shown above as many do not know what it is or what it stands for.
    4. Explain how/where/when you plan to use subject feedback with relevant details on anonymity or lack thereof
      • Include pertinent details on data storage and future data use 
      • If using multimedia: Explain what types of recordings will be taken, how they will be handled/used, and how privacy will be protected.
    5. If using any multimedia (photos, video, recordings) make sure to have a separate area to where the participant may consent or not to the multimedia piece of your research.
    6. Funding Source - state when applicable.
    7. State this or similar phrasing: Participation is voluntary, and you can choose to not answer any questions you do not want to answer and/or you can stop at any time.
      • When students are subjects, also state: Participation or non-participation will not affect a student’s grades or class standing in any way.
    8. State this or similar phrasing: Proceeding with the survey/interview/questionnaire indicates your consent to participate.
    9. Your IRB reference # (ex: 2024-3168). This is also your reference number.