* Created by: Jay Rotella * Date: June 24, 2003 * Purpose: * This file: * 1. inputs a dataset containing nest survival information, * 2. calculates the effective sample size for the dataset, * 3. runs a variety of models of NEST SURVIVAL in NLMIXED, * 4. creates an AICc table for model selection, & * 5. outputs the AICc table to HTML, RTF, and pdf files. * Step 1: calculate the effective sample size according to the methods * of Dinsmore et al. (2002). Here, n-ess is incremented by 1 for * each day a nest was under observation and survived and by 1 for * each interval for which a nest was under observation and failed.; * This step: * 1. calculates the contribution to n-ess for each observation interval and * adds that contribution to the sum of ness, i.e., ness column is a running total * 2. creates dummy/indicator variables for each of 4 habitat types; data Mall; set Sasuser.mall2000nd; if ifate=0 then ness+1; else if ifate=1 then ness+t; /* create indicator variables for different nesting habitats */ if hab=1 then NatGr=1; else NatGr=0; /* Native Grassland */ if hab=2 or hab=3 or hab=9 then CRP=1; else CRP=0; /* CRP & similar */ if hab=7 or hab=22 then Wetl=1; else Wetl=0; /* Wetland sites */ if hab=20 then Road=1; else Road=0; /* Roadside sites */ run; * This step finds the actual n-ess for the dataset, * which is the maximum value in the ness column.; Proc Univariate data=Mall; var ness; output out=ness max=ness; run; * This step reformats the Fit Statistics table of NLMIXED * so it displays more decimal places in the created tables; proc template; define table Stat.Nlm.FitStatistics; notes "Fit statistics"; column Descr Value; header H1; define H1; text "Fit Statistics"; space = 1; end; define Descr; header = "Description"; width = 30; print_headers = OFF; flow; end; define Value; header = "Value"; format = 12.4; print_headers = OFF; end; end; run; * This macro merges various pieces of information from NLMIXED output * and calculates the AICc value based on ness rather than on the number * of observations in the dataset; %Macro AICtable(out=,dataset=,mod=); /****************************************/ /* Store information for output file */ /* 1. AIC value from NLMIXED */ /* 2. Dataset name (from macro call) */ /* 3. Model name (from macro call) */ /* 4. Convergence status */ /* 5. AICc value based on n-ess */ /* 6. n = # obs used for model */ /* 7. k = # parameters in model */ /****************************************/ data temp2; set converge; length dataset $10.; dataset="&dataset"; length mod $30.; mod="&mod"; merge converge n k ness aic; if Reason='NOTE: GCONV convergence criterion satisfied.' then Conv='Yes'; else Conv='No'; length Conv $5.; aicc=aic+(2*k)*((k+1)/(ness-k-1)); keep dataset Conv mod n k ness aic aicc; run; /********************************************************************/ /* Append the information (see previous step) to a file that */ /* holds this information for all models to be run in this batch. */ /********************************************************************/ Proc append base=&out data=temp2 force; run; proc print data=&out; run; %Mend AICtable; /********************************************************************/ /* model statements made based on X-vars (1) patch (2) age (3) pred */ /* and Y = ifate */ /* */ /* Need to change info in 3 places for each model run */ /* 1. parms - add parameters (& start values if want/need to) */ /* 2. logit equation - put in proper model statement */ /* 3. macro call for "mod=" - put in text label for the model */ /* */ /* */ /* Need to change info in 1 place the 1st time a model is run */ /* 1. macro call for "data=" - give a text label for dataset */ /********************************************************************/ * Run a model of interest; * This is where you can add, delete, or alter models to suit your needs; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; * call the AICtable macro to append the key info to a results table; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B1=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B1*(sdate+i); p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B1*Date) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B2=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B2*(sage+i); p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B2*Age) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B3=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B3*Robel; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B3*Robel) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B4=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B4*PctGr4; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B4*PctGr4) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B5=0, B6=0, B7=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B5*NatGr+B6*CRP+B7*Wetl; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B5*NatGr+B6*CRP+B7*Wetl) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B2=0, B3=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B2*(sage+i)+B3*Robel; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B2*Age+B3*Robel) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B2=0, B4=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B2*(sage+i)+B4*PctGr4; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B2*Age+B4*PctGr4) run; Proc Nlmixed data=Mall tech=quanew method=gauss maxiter=1000; parms B0=0, B2=0, B5=0, B6=0, B7=0; p=1; do i=0 TO t-1; if i=0 then Ob=1; else Ob=0; logit=B0+B2*(sage+i)+B5*NatGr+B6*CRP+B7*Wetl; p=p*(exp(logit)/(1+exp(logit))); end; model ifate~binomial(1,p); ods output ConvergenceStatus=converge; ods output FitStatistics=aic (where=(Descr='AIC (smaller is better)') rename=(Value=AIC)) ; ods output Dimensions=n (where=(Descr='Observations Used') rename=(Value=n)); ods output Dimensions=k (where=(Descr='Parameters') rename=(Value=k)); RUN; %AICtable(out=results,dataset=Mall,mod=B0+B2*Age+B5*NatGr+B6*CRP+B7*Wetl) run; * The following statements and procedures calculate * 1. minimumAICc values, * 2. deltaAICc values, * 3. model weights, & * 4. model likelihoods.; Proc sort data=work.results; by AICc; run; Proc Univariate data=work.results; var AICc; output out=minaicc min=MinAICc; run; Data AICctemp; if _n_=1 then set minaicc; set work.results; DeltaAICc=AICc-minaicc; Odds = exp(0.5*DeltaAICc); InvOdds = 1/Odds; Run; Proc Univariate data=work.AICctemp; var InvOdds; output out=invoddssum sum=sum; run; Data Weighttemp; if _n_=1 then set invoddssum; set work.AICctemp; Weight = InvOdds/sum; Run; Proc Univariate; var Weight; output out=BestWeight max=BestWeight; run; Data ModLiktemp; if _n_=1 then set BestWeight; set work.Weighttemp; ModLik=Weight/BestWeight; Run; /********************************************************************/ /* Create an output file (RTF) file that contains the key output */ /* You can change: */ /* */ /* Can change the output's: */ /* 1. formats so that variables appear as desired */ /* 2. file destination */ /* 3. file name */ /* 4. file type (can turn on or off 'RTF' to 'PDF' or 'HTML') */ /* */ /********************************************************************/ ods rtf File='C:\Documents and Settings\Rotella\My Documents\research projects\nest success ducks\FixEffOut.rtf'; * ods pdf File='C:\Documents and Settings\Rotella\My Documents\research projects\nest success ducks\output.pdf'; * ods html File='C:\Documents and Settings\Rotella\My Documents\research projects\nest success ducks\output.html'; Data Final; set ModLiktemp; drop sum MinAICc BestWeight Odds InvOdds; label ness='n-ess'; label aicc='AICc'; file print ods=(variables=(dataset mod Conv n k ness AIC AICc DeltaAICc Weight ModLik)); format dataset $5.; format mod $28.; format Conv $3.; format n 6.0; format k 2.0; format ness 9.0; format AIC 9.3; format AICc 9.3; format DeltaAICc 8.3; format Weight 5.3; format ModLik 5.3; put _ods_; run; ods rtf close; ods pdf close; ods html close;