Data Entry       Field Research

Got a keen eye for attention to detail? Get hands-on experience with cutting edge research happening right here at MSU!

Contribute to the state's largest research entity, with over $201 million spent in research expenditures in 2022. As the largest research entity in the state, MSU collects a remarkable amount of data! Research and data entry assistants are responsible for transferring data from paper formats into computer files or database systems. Manually, or using scanners, enter the information collected and create spreadsheets, verifying them against source documents at different stages during the process. Job duties can include field research, data collection, examining data, putting data points into a database, and using statistical software to create a data model, such as regression analysis.

  • Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology (Pulse Crop Breeding, Cereal disease lab)
    • Assisting with the maintenance, evaluation, harvest, and processing of pea, chickpea, and lentil cultivars in the field, greenhouse, and seed lab. Duties will include but not be limited to hoeing and roguing field nurseries, collecting measurements (vine length, pod height, pod number, etc.), crossing cultivars, and harvesting single plants.
  • HELPS Lab MSU (Undergraduate Research Assistant)
    • The research assistant position will be responsible for carrying out tasks directed by the Project Manager or Director of the HELPS Lab. These tasks may include, but are not limited to: envelope stuffing, folding documents, transcription, data entry (by hand), data entry (digitally), phone-call reminders, phone surveys, codebook development, data cleaning, survey development, survey testing, and other duties as assigned.


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