Initiation of a winter barley breeding program

There has never been a Montana-adapted winter barley. We are evaluating a set of winter barley lines taken from a Russian collection for winter hardiness, forage and malt traits. The identification and introduction of cold-tolerant winter barley for forage and malt production will have both yield and sustainability benefits for Montana producers. Winter barley is expected to out-yield spring barley by 10-20%. Winter barley is established in the fall, allowing the crop to utilize fall and early spring soil moisture and reach maturity before the hottest and driest summer periods. Although winter barley has been too cold sensitive for Montana growing conditions, with increasing winter temperatures in many regions and with access to the Russian collection for the first time, winter barley could be successful in Montana. In terms of sustainability, establishing a crop in the fall is good for soil health and reduces the need for herbicide application. Winter barley prevents soil loss to wind and water erosion during the winter and spring months and outcompetes most weeds, reducing the need for spring herbicide applications.

Listen in as our breeder, Jamie Sherman, discusses our winter breeding program!

Jamie Sherman discusses winter breeding program