MSU NMR Facility Server 

Retrieving NMR Data from the MSU Blackmore NMR Facility server

Windows Operating System

For windows users, you need to be connected to the MSU-secure network or MSU VPN (an activated Cisco connection, see MSU web site regarding set-up) outside of campus.

Open Windows File Explorer (the folder icon) 

In the location bar type... \\\nmr-facility-student\

Hit return and wait for credential login screen. Use your MSU net id and password. Note you are logging into the MSU domain. Add MSU\Net id for user. You can only log into the server if you have already given the facility manager your credentials. 

Migrate to the NMR data (400, 500 or 600) desired. If runs were collected using the ICON software chose the ICON folder. If runs were collected in manual mode, chose the Topspin folder and migrate to your data folder.


Mac Operating System

For Mac users, you need to be connected to the MSU-secure network or MSU VPN (an activated Cisco connection, see MSU web site regarding set-up) outside of the campus.

Open Finder

At the top of your screen select "Go" then "Connect to Server"

In the text feild enter smb://

Hit the "+" in the lower left of the window then click "connect"

When prompted to enter your name and password, select "Registered User", enter your NetID in the Name field enter your NetID password in the Password field, and click "Connect". Note You can only log into the server if you have already given the facility manager your credentials. 

The share should now be accessible under Finder, Go, Connect to Server

Migrate to the NMR data needed (400, 500 or 600). If runs were collected using ICON software chose the ICON folder

If runs were collected in manual mode, chose the Topspin folder and migrate to your data 

Mac has implemented some security mearsures making getting to the root Topspin data folder difficult. Use the finder "Go" tab and "Go to folder" to migrate to the location /opt/topspinXXX(your version)/Data/. Create a new folder (any name) and a sub-folder called nmr. In the upper folder choose the "nmr" folder and make an alias (control-right-click) and drop this on your desktop or desired file location. Just drop files from the server into the alias folder.

In Topspin's file location section create a new data directory and choose the alias file location. Drag and drop files onto Topspin for viewing.  


300 MHz NMR Computer   (No server or sftp access)

Do to security issues, the 300 MHz NMR computer cannot be accessed remotely. All user collected data must be transferred either to an individuals own flash drive for future data analysis elsewhere or to one of the in-house provided flash drives, and data files up-loaded to the users box account using one of the on-line secure NMR Facility computers. In the latter case, please delete your files from the flash drive and return it back to the computer.

For personal flash drives, please re-format your drive with the name NMRLAB 


Linux Operating Systems

To map a Blackmore share on Linux:

Make sure you are connected to the MSU Wired Network, MSU Secure Wifi, or MSU VPN 

Install cifs client 


sudo apt install cifs-utils


sudo dnf install cifs-utils

Create mountpoint:

sudo mkdir </path/to/folder>

Mount share

Single-user access:

sudo mount -t cifs -o username=<YourNetID>,domain=MSU,vers=3.0 // <mount/location>

You can only log into the server if you have already given the facility manager your credentials.