The better you know yourself, the better you can see where your unique talents, skills, abilities and interests line up with career choices that are more likely to be fulfilling. Instead asking you about your passion, self-assessment is a foundation for beginning to develop your passion and purpose through the design process. Set-up an appointment with a Career Educator or join a Career Design Studio to discuss where you are in you journey — your career educator will help you build a self-assessment plan to meet your specific needs.The following assessments can be helpful tools as you start to think about and incorporate information about yourself into your major and career choices.

You should speak with a Career Coach before taking the Strong interest inventory or MBTI assessment to ensure these are the correct tools for you. In order to receive your Strong Interest Inventory and MBTI results, you must meet with a Career Coach at Career, Internship & Student Employment Services. Please call 406-994-4353 or schedule your appointment in Cat Tracks.


Interest Assessments

Provides a customized list of majors and career options based on your preferences and aptitudes.


Strong Interest Inventory ($20)

Assesses your interests and how those interests relate to occupations. 


Personality Assessments

Assesses personality type and provides information related to career paths and workplace habits.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ($50)

Assesses your personality type, strengths, and preferences as they relate to careers. 


Values Assessments

Schwartz's Values 

Values are broad, motivational goals which form the stable standards by which we evaluate everything. 


Work Values Clarification Assessment

An assessment where you evaluate the importance of different values.