Dawson County is centrally located in eastern Montana. Dawson County is a common stopping location between Sidney and Miles City for many traveling between the Midwest and the west. The population of Dawson County is approximately 9,000 and comprises the communities of Richey, West Glendive, and the county seat, Glendive. Dawson County is home to Makoshika state park, the largest in Montana, drawing many tourists to the area for recreation, hunting, and attractions such as the dinosaur museum. Agriculture is a significant enterprise in the county with an even split between livestock and crops. Horse and sheep operations are also common in the area. MSU Extension in Dawson County provides services for the 4-H program, agriculture, horticulture, and community development.



4-H & Youth Development


Making a Splash for a Cause: The Success of our Dunk Tank

Fundraising events come in all shapes and sizes, but few activities capture the essence of fun and community spirit as effectively as a dunk tank. On a sunny Saturday this summer, our town rallied together for a day of laughter, camaraderie, and goodwill at our annual Dawson Days Festival. We invited local celebrities and teachers, firefighters, police officers, and even the mayor to take turns in the hot seat. People were eager to see their friends, family members, and coworkers take the plunge, and they were equally enthusiastic about supporting Dawson County 4-H. Behind the scenes, our 4-H ambassadors, members and parents worked throughout the day to bring in people to dunk their very own Extension Agent. At the very end of the day, Dawson County Extension Agent Gabrielle Sexton took the plunge!




Kent Granmoe, a Dawson County 4-H parent & volunteer dunking his son Kade Granmoe a Dawson County 4-H member.

Caption: Kent Granmoe, a Dawson County 4-H parent & volunteer dunking his son Kade Granmoe a Dawson County 4-H member.

Credit: Gabrielle Sexton


Agriculture & Natural Resources


Nurturing Agriculture through Airwaves

The Dawson County Agent Report, a segment broadcasted on the local radio station every Friday, brings information and entertainment to listeners. With a strong focus on agriculture-related topics, this report serves as a vital source of knowledge for the community, addressing pertinent issues and providing a platform for learning and engagement. Agriculture has long been the backbone of communities like Glendive, where the livelihoods of many are intricately tied to the land and livestock. The report covers a wide array of topics, ranging from crop management and livestock care to soil health and sustainable farming practices. By providing practical guidance, the Dawson County Agent Report becomes a trusted companion, helping the agricultural community navigate the challenges that arise in their profession. One distinctive feature that adds an element of excitement to the report is the weekly radio trivia question where listeners can call in and have a chance at winning a gift card to a local coffee shop.




Glendive Broadcasting Radio Stations

Caption: Glendive Broadcasting Radio Stations

Credit: Glendive Broadcasting


4-H & Youth Development


Nurturing Skills and Bonds: The Dawson County Small Animal Showmanship Clinic

The Dawson County 4-H Ambassador Team hosted and organized a remarkable Small Animal Showmanship Clinic that benefitted participants and attendees. This was also the first event held in our now-completed new Small Animal Barn. The team's dedication to the clinic was evident in well-coordinated efforts to provide an educational and enjoyable event. The Ambassador Team created a schedule, demonstrated how to show each animal and shared tips and tricks for the fair. The ambassadors demonstrated how to show cat, dog, rabbit and poultry animals. Participants were encouraged to bring their own animals to practice what they learned.




Stephanie Hove, a Dawson County 4-H Ambassador demonstration how to show a cat.

Caption: Stephanie Hove, a Dawson County 4-H Ambassador demonstrating how to show a cat.

Credit: Gabrielle Sexton


4-H & Youth Development


Dawson County Archers Make History

The first-ever Dawson County Archery Competition, held at the Dawson County Fair, marked a significant milestone in the counties celebration of skill, sportsmanship, and unity. Spearheaded by the dedicated archery leader Danielle Wold, this event provided a platform for archery enthusiasts and encouraged a spirit of togetherness within the community. Open to the public, the competition aimed to foster a sense of healthy rivalry among participants while also showcasing the exceptional talent within the community. Additionally, a 4-H-only archery competition was held, where six archery members competed. The dual nature of the competition – open to the public and tailored for 4-H participants – reflected the event's inclusive philosophy. It bridged the gap between experienced archers and novices, emphasizing that the joy of archery transcends age and expertise. With archery being one of the highest enrolled 4-H projects in the county, the Dawson County Archery Competition will be continued.




Dawson County 4-H archery competitors: Ave Werner, Camden Werner, Easton Wold, Kade Granmoe, Gradey Wold and Tori Engle

Caption: Dawson County 4-H archery competitors: Ave Werner, Camden Werner, Easton Wold, Kade Granmoe, Gradey Wold and Tori Engle

Credit: Gabrielle Sexton







207 W. Bell St.
Glendive, MT 59330
(406) 377-4277


Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.