Located in Central Montana, Wheatland County is a relatively small, rural county. Harlowton is the county seat and is the largest city with a population of 2,096. Judith Gap is the second largest city with a population of 955. The county has two other communities, Shawmut to the east and Two Dot to the west. Agriculture is the primary industry in Wheatland County, but the county also has a number of diverse small businesses.



4-H & Youth Development


4-H Garden

Wheatland County 4-H members converted the unused city tennis court into a raised bed garden. The space is easily accessible for 4-H members to visit the garden at any time. To allow youth the opportunity to make their own decisions, they planted one container with plants they chose. They felt ownership in their decision and then evaluated the outcome and what they could change next year. Members also planted two larger containers as a group. Impressive growth between garden meetings allowed the youth to work as a team to make decisions and work toward a common goal. The youth worked with a volunteer who helped them install a drip irrigation system and loved that they knew how to turn it on. This project has allowed many 4-H members to complete a 4-H project with the support of caring volunteers, participate in experiential learning, and practice reflecting on outcomes for next year.




4-H youth planting their container garden

Caption: 4-H youth planting their container garden.

Credit: Mandie Reed


Community Vitality


Reimagining Rural Inspires Housing Investment Co-op

Reimagining Rural sparks ideas and fuels communities’ collective imagination for what is possible. In Wheatland County, it inspired a group to address housing issues. Housing has been identified as a high priority and concern because of a lack of available housing and a decline in overall quality. A group of Reimagining Rural volunteers formed a working group to create an investment co-op. Their mission very carefully describes the goals, “To build the potential of the Upper Musselshell Valley through community collaboration, investment, and development” with a focus on creating quality housing for the people who live here, commercial opportunities, and shared community spaces. To reach this goal, the group has begun working with the Montana Cooperative Development Center and Snowy Mountain Development Center and has had conversations with Trust Montana.




Volunteer group sits at a classroom table while drafting their mission statement for the housing co-op

Caption: Volunteer group drafting their mission statement for the housing co-op.

Credit: Mandie Reed


4-H & Youth Development


Middle School Campout

In mid-July, 2023, Wheatland County MSU Extension hosted the Middle School Campout at the base of the Snowy Mountains. Surrounded by the wonders of nature, youth had the opportunity to practice communication skills, resilience, and mindfulness in a meaningful way by interacting with horses. Wheatland County MSU Extension Agent Mandie Reed recognized a need to provide programs and experiences designed to specifically meet the needs of middle school youth. A partnership with Sarah Hereim, owner of Snowy Mountain Minis, created a unique experience for youth. Participants learned about building positive relationships and friendships, leadership, and communication with the assistance of other campers and the horses at Snowy Mountain Minis. The horses responded to the youth very authentically, providing teachable moments that were easily understood. The experience provided youth a way to also relate to everyday interactions with the people in their lives.




Youth interacting with miniature horses at Middle School Campout

Caption: Youth interacting with horses at Middle School Campout.

Credit: Mandie Reed







201 A Ave NW
Harlowton, MT 59036


Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.