Yield: 6 Servings | Serving Size: 3/4 cup
Cost/Serving: $1.02


3/4 cup granola, whole grain rich

3 cups fresh cherries, pitted and whole sliced, or chopped

3 cups plain yogurt, low-fat

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp honey



  1. Set out desired number of cups (about 9 oz each) on workspace. 
    2. Place 1/2 cup cherries in each cup. 
    3. Combine yogurt, vanilla, and honey in a large bowl. Stir well. 
    4. Portion 1/2 cup (about 4 oz) yogurt mixture on top of cherries. 
    5. Sprinkle granola on top of yogurt, portioned evenly between desired number 
    of cups/servings. 
    6. Serve immediately

Recipe adapted from MT Harvest of the Month and What's Cooking USDA 
Mixing Bowl

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