Article 1: Name and Objectives
Section 1
The name of this organization is the Montana Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (MEAFCS)
Section 2
The objectives of this organization shall be:
- Promote professional growth and development by:
- Providing for and recognizing leadership and achievement;
- Awarding financial support for professional study;
- Exchanging effective educational methodologies;
- Encouraging members to conduct research and to use research-based information in programming.
- Prioritize programs that meet current social needs and national concerns affecting Montana families and communities.
- Communicate present and potential contributions of all members
- Seek support for programs that benefit families/individuals and enhance the profession.
- Maintain direct liaison with the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS).
Article II: Membership
The classification of membership shall be: 1) Active; 2) Life.
Section 1 Active Member
An Extension employee working in any capacity with family and consumer sciences or home economics programming, who has a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, who belongs to his/her state/territory affiliate of Extension Educators, upon payment of dues, may become an active member of MEAFCS and NEAFCS.
Section 2 Life Member
- Any former Extension employee, who has been a member of the association for at least 10 years, will be granted life membership in MEAFCS and NEAFCS by paying a one-time fee payable to MEAFCS. The MEAFCS treasurer will then forward the one-time fee to the treasurer of NEAFCS.
- Life members shall be granted the following rights and privileges by NEAFCS:
- May receive awards, fellowships, and grants, according to NEAFCS guidelines.
- May serve on committees.
- Shall receive all publications upon payment of an annual subscription fee.
- May serve as voting delegates.
- Shall not be eligible for office.
- May vote on issues brought before MEAFCS
Section 1
The dues of MEAFCS shall be established by a majority vote of members. A portion of the dues shall be for national membership as established by the national association. A portion of the dues shall be for state membership and remain in the treasury of the state association. Dues are payable to MEAFCS and sent to the MEAFCS treasurer annually, typically by December 1. The MEAFCS treasurer will forward to the NEAFCS treasurer. All Extension employees who join NEAFCS and pay appropriate dues automatically belong to MEAFCS.
ARTICLE IV: Officers
Section 1
The elected officers of the Association shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and President-Elect shall be elected in odd-numbered years. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years. Terms of each office shall be two years.
Section 2
The President may choose to appoint a chairperson for Public Affairs, chairperson for Member Resources, chairperson for Awards and Recognition, and chairperson for Professional Development.
Section 3
- The Executive Board consists of the President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Past President of MEAFCS. The Executive Board is empowered to make decisions on behalf of MEAFCS that are time-sensitive, when a full meeting (electronic or in person) of the membership is not feasible.
- A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled by the President Elect
- In the event of a vacancy in the offices of President Elect, Secretary, or Treasurer, the Executive Board shall appoint a member to fill the unexpired term.
ARTICLE V: Duties of Officers
Section 1
The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings; to
call special meetings, whenever necessary; appoint committees and chairpersons; attend
Extension workshops, as appropriate, and perform any other duties prescribed by the
Section 2
The duties of the President-elect shall be to act in the absence of the President,
attend Extension workshops, as appropriate, if the President is unable to attend,
and serve as Membership Chairman.
Section 3
The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the record of minutes of the meetings
and carry on the correspondence of the organization.
Section 4
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to care for all funds that may come to the Association and make an annual financial report. He/she shall also keep official record of membership.
ARTICLE VI: Committees
Section 1
When appropriate, MEAFCS committees will correspond to those of NEAFCS. Additional committees shall be appointed, as needed, to carry out state activities. Standing Committees may include:
- Public Affairs
- Member Resources
- Awards and Recognition
- Professional Development
- By-Laws
- Finance
Section 2
The Public Affairs, Member Resources, Awards and Recognition, and Professional Development Committees shall be chaired by the Vice Presidents, and they shall act as liaison to the National Vice President.
Section 1
At least one meeting will be held annually. This meeting may be held during Extension Annual Conference, during an MEAFCS update or through an electronic meeting format.
Section 2
The voting delegates to the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences shall be the President and President-Elect. If one of these officers cannot attend, then another officer or another member appointed by the membership shall serve as delegate. MEAFCS will provide some financial assistance to the voting delegates and other delegates attending the national meeting.
ARTICLE VIII: Amendments
These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the membership which shall constitute
a quorum. MEAFCS by-laws will be revised in accordance to national policies when needed.
The President can appoint a committee to review national and state by-laws.
ARTICLE IX: Parliamentary Order
Section 1
Order of business procedures to the regular meetings shall be as follows:
- Meeting called to order by President
- Reading of the minutes of the last meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- Unfinished Business
- Reports
- Standing Committees
- Special Committees
- New Business
- Election of Officers
- Adjournment
Section 2
“Robert’s Rule of Order” shall govern the proceedings
Section 3
Meetings and voting can take place through a variety of formats: assembled meeting or through an electronic meeting format, conference call or electronic voting procedure.
ARTICLE X: Affirmative Action
Section 1
MEAFCS and its programs are available to all people regardless of race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation. All members will be encouraged to participate in programs and activities and take leadership in the Association.
ARTICLE XI: Dissolution of Association
On the dissolution of the Association, the entire net assets remaining after the payment
of any and all liabilities and obligations of the Association shall be transferred
to such association or associations organized exclusively for charitable, educational
or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as exempt association or associations
under Section 501-C3, which is other than a foundation exempt under Section 509(a)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of any future
United States Internal Revenue Law). The organization to which funds will be transferred
will be determined by either the membership or officers existing at the time of dissolution.
Updated May 5, 2010