June 20, 2023

Members Present: Grant Petersen – Co-Chair, Mike Everts, Evan Greenwood, EJ Hook, Kris Johnson, Mike McNeil, Duane Morris, Tom Rogers

Proxy's: Ian Godwin (For Chris Fastnow)

Members Absent: ASMSU President, Sreekala Bajwa, John Bittingham, Marianne Brough, Chris Fastnow, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, John How, Chris Kearns, Terry Leist, Robert Mokwa, Andrew Nosler, Durward Sobek, Mike Stanley, UFPB Chair (incoming Dean Adams)

Staff & Guests: Grey Williams, Alisha Downs, Scott Sanders


None - Quorum was not met and edits have been requested to the May meeting minutes. Will bring back to next meeting for approval.





ITEM No. 4 - INFORMATIONAL - Campus Videos Cameras

Presenter: Grey Williams, Campus Planner

Montana State University began using both indoor and outdoor video cameras on campus beginning in 2003. Video was first used at South Hedges Hall, followed by other residence halls in 2008, the University Police Department (UPD) building in 2010, and finally the Marga Hosaeus Fitness Center in 2015.

Video cameras are an important tool for MSU and UPD. They are used for enhancing UPD situational awareness on campus, aiding in investigations, improving the overall sense of security for the campus community, and as a deterrence against crime. Video cameras are increasingly used on college campuses and are important for recruitment and retention of students on a safe campus.

The current expansion of the camera network on campus began in 2021 and was supported with approval of SIP funding for the project. The camera installation (see map above) will use a minimalist approach with careful selection of mounting locations to maximize video camera effectiveness in balance with not harming existing buildings. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has been consulted on the project and has provided installation guidance that will be followed. The current project will provide new cameras and utilize a campus-wide, enterprise video management system, “Milestone.” Emergency Management, UPD, University Information Technologies (UIT), and University Facilities Management (UFM) will continue collaboration for installation and operation of the camera system. The expansion is scheduled to begin this summer with priority installations planned along the Malone/Centennial Mall (east-west corridor) followed by installations between Romney Hall and Rendezvous Dining Pavilion (north-south corridor).

Evan Greenwood asked for clarification on map key, and Scott Sanders described the types of cameras and confirmed that the locations for the point/tilt/zoom cameras were chosen to maximize coverage. Scott and Duane clarified that they will not be constantly monitored, but footage can be accessed by UPD in the event of an incident, hence the attractiveness of having access to pan/tilt/zoom even though they are the more expensive option. EJ Hook clarified that first phase of cameras will focus along the east west corridor of the center of campus, with some concentration of cameras to the south towards Rendezvous Dining Hall. Scott Sanders reiterated that it did not make sense to place cameras in dark locations without proper lighting. Grant Petersen added that a future phase would include parking lots.

Mike McNeil mentioned it would be useful for students with mobility concerns to access webcam footage to assess the conditions of routes, although no one present was aware of any active webcams on campus. He also suggested that it would be desirable to identify and publish a map of “safe path” routes based on camera locations. Ian Godwin added that the safe paths could be designated in conjunction with GIS data pertaining to lighting on campus, since a light audit was just conducted. Alisha Downs mentioned that a similar collaborative effort between PDC’s GIS team, Student Success, and Communications is underway to create maps identifying all restroom locations on campus, including gender-neutral restrooms.

Tom Rogers from the City of Bozeman inquired what the policy for cameras on campus is, and whether or not communication and outreach has been done to inform people they are being monitored. EJ Hook reiterated that there is a committee made up of representation from UIT, UFM, and UPD that is in place to oversee and govern the use of cameras on campus, but that no specific communication has been shared. Kris Johnson suggested that up-front communication can head off future issues, and that effort to disseminate positive and proactive communication from the committee and administration could help mitigate potential backlash. Mike McNeil also posed the question regarding appropriate use of cameras.

Ian Godwin asked if there would be signage indicating the use of cameras. EJ Hook commented that it would be possible to install signs, but to be aware that all signage requires maintenance and the funds to support such maintenance.

Kris Johnson inquired about the number of additional cameras being added, and what the timeline for installation was. EJ Hook reconfirmed the total number of 41 cameras, and mentioned that it was most desirable to install while the majority if students are not on campus (summer), but it could be extended throughout the academic year and installed during breaks.

Evan Greenwood inquired about on-going costs for the cameras. Duane Morris and Scott Sanders reiterated that there would be a cost for contract renewal for the Milestone enterprise system and that funds would come from UIT/UPD budgets to support the upgrade and maintenance of cameras and associated equipment.

Horizon Items

Gianforte Hall

Nursing Building

Grant Street Project