July 18, 2023

Members Present: Grant Petersen – Co-Chair, Dean Adams - Co-Chair, Sreekala Bajwa, Mike Everts, Chris Fastnow, Evan Greenwood, Alison Harmon, Kris Johnson, Kirk Lubek, Chancey Ringer, Steven Swinford, EJ Hook

Proxy's:  Chris Hayden (for Duane Morris), Durward Sobek (for Robert Mokwa)

Members Absent: ASMSU President, John Bittingham, Brett Gunnink, Terry Leist, Mike McNeil, Tom Rogers, Mike Stanley

Staff & Guests: Grey Williams, Sarah Knobel


The meeting minutes from May 20th, 2023, were unanimously approved.


The meeting minutes from June 20th, 2023, were unanimously approved.





ITEM No. 5 - RECOMMENDATION - 12th Avenue Traffic Calming Installation - Extension

Presenter: Sarah Knoebl, Campus Planner

With the goal to improve 12th Avenue user safety, a Spring HONR 494 student group installed curb extensions at two mid-block pedestrian crossings. 12th Avenue is highly trafficked by cyclists, vehicles, and most notably by pedestrians moving East/West across 12th Avenue. Curb extensions are an effective way of reducing pedestrian crossing distance and slowing vehicle speeds. Curb extensions have been successfully implemented across the country.

On April 28th the HONR 494 students, with guidance from WTI and PDC staff, installed temporary curb extensions using 36” tall white delineators and planter boxes. Additionally, the students painted sharrow markings along the length of 12th Avenue indicating a shared roadway to cyclists and vehicles. Between May 1st and May3rd, radar and CountCams were used to collect vehicle speed and pedestrian/vehicle conflict data.

Based on compelling findings from both HONR 494 students and Facilities Management/WTI, Facilities Management recommends an extension of the traffic calming installation until snowfall or October 16th. By extending the installation, additional user pattern data can be collected over the beginning of the Fall 2023 semester which can be used to inform future work along 12th Avenue. Coordination of the project around move-in day will be addressed between Facilities Management and Auxiliary Services.

Kris Johnson questioned who owned the street. EJ Hook clarified that the university owns the street.

Kris Johnson inquired about concern from cyclists in a recent student report. Sarah Knoebl stated as people continue adapting to it the installation will likely become less problematic. EJ Hook mentioned that sharrows will be painted and users recognize the expectations of road usage.

Kris Johnson questioned why continue data collection at this location seeing as there is compelling evidence from previously collected data. Grant Peterson and EJ Hook clarified that 12th Avenue will be redesigned in the next 5 to 10 years, and this data will inform future projects related to 12th Avenue.

Durward Sobek questioned what will happen to the installation during freshman move in day this fall. EJ Hook and Sarah Knoebl explained that the installation can be removed and put back up for move in day, but the installation has shown to increase pedestrian safety in the area. EJ Hook continued by elaborating on the benefits of keeping the installation up during move in day which could render more complete data.

Kris Johnson clarifies that the vote will be to keep the installation up until October. Sarah Knoebl confirms that the vote is to keep the installation up until October 16th or the first snowfall, whichever comes first.

Mike Everts comments that although out of scope of this project, the intersection of Garfield St and 12th Ave has significant safety issues.


The Vote: Chris Fastnow motions to approve, Kris Johnson seconds. Unanimous vote to approve the extension of the 12th Avenue Traffic Calming Installation.

ITEM No. 6 - RECOMMENDATION - AYCSS Temporary Tent East of Montana Hall

Presenter: Grey Williams, Campus Planner

The Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success (AYCSS) provides various tools and resources to new and current MSU students through advising, education, and engagement. The department hosts events to assist students including Parent/Family Weekend, Career Fairs, and more.

AYCSS begun utilizing a temporary tent on the south lawn of Norm Asbjornson Hall due to COVID in 2021 and continued this in 2022 (approved by UFPB). The department would like to continue this trend by installing a 60’ X 40’ temporary tent in the lawn East of Montana Hall. The location of the tent has changed due to continuing construction on 7th Ave and was chosen with this in mind as well as in collaboration with facilities services and campus partners who will be utilizing the tent. The tent will be up from mid-August to mid-October, and AYCSS will manage and coordinate all bookings for the tent during the period.

The purpose of the tent is to offer students a centralized location to provide information about events and programs including opportunities for connection between students, planning events such as Parent Family Weekend, and attending the career fair. The location East of Montana Hall is more centralized for students, and highly visible, allowing for easy wayfinding and access. The tent is white, with removable walls, and can seat up to 150 people.

Chris Fastnow commented on the booking process, and the centralization of booking. Grant Peterson agreed as booking is something to be delegated and it should be brought to the board.

Multiple members questioned if other locations for the tent had been considered. EJ Hook stated that other locations such as in front of Hamilton Hall and near Rendezvous Dining Hall were considered. Due to limited space at Hamilton and turf conditions near Rendezvous, the location outside Montana Hall is the best suited for the tent. He also clarified that the tent will have sidewalls and some level of tables and chairs will be left in the tent.

Kris Johnson requested a follow up report from AYCSS about bookings, usage, and other relevant data along with a general follow up for UFPB after the tent is taken down.

Mike Everts questioned what safety codes apply to tents. EJ Hook clarified that the tent is fire rated and will include measures such as fire extinguishers and illuminated exit signs. He elaborated that the tent was vetted by facilities services and the university fire marshal and will be installed by a professional service.

Durward asked about the sprinklers located on the site. EJ Hook stated that there are sprinklers on the site, and they will continue to run in a reduced capacity due to the lack of sun exposure.


The Vote: Durward Sobek motions to approve, Evan Greenwood second. Unanimous vote to approve the AYCSS Temporary Tent East of Montana Hall with the amendment of an AYCSS follow up report and exact location determined by Facility Services.

Horizon Items

Gianforte Hall

Jones Hall