Members Present: Royce Smith- Chair, Cassie Behm (for Mike Stanley), Bill Clinton, Christina Fastnow (for Leslie Schmidt), Brett Gunnink, EJ Hook, Kris Johnson, Mike McNeil, Duane Morris (for Tom Stump), and David Singel (for Robert Mokwa)

Proxy’s: Mary Burrows for Sreekala Bajwa

Members Absent: John How- Co-Chair, John Brittingham, Shawn Long, Tom Rogers, Leslie Schmidt (for Carter Jason), Joe Schumacher (for Chis Kearns), Dan Stevenson (for Terry Leist), and Mike Vasquez

Staff & Guests: Jaci Buckingham, Olivia Hayes, Candace Mastel, and Richard Rudnicki


Brett Gunnink motioned to approve the draft notes from October 20, 2020.
EJ Hook seconded the motion.
The Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay.





ITEM No. 4 – RECOMMENDATION – COVID-19 Projects Blanket Coverage

Presenter: Candace Mastel

Candace Mastel presented the recommendation for blanket approvals of time-sensitive temporary projects related to emergency operations.

In an effort streamline COVID-19 related projects and ensure they adhere to polices plan and protocols it is suggested that the University Facilities Planning Board (UFPB) consider creating a “blanket” recommendation to allow projects to be implemented using internal reviews and approvals within the University Services (US) division. This will allow US to keep the Committee apprised of its efforts as well as allow staff to expediently make adjustments in a timely manner while following policies, procedure and protocols.

The following would be used as basic project review criteria:

  • Review and compliance with all applicable codes and guidelines
  • Review and conformance with all University plans, policies and protocols
  • Consideration of impacts to existing infrastructure
  • Consideration and accommodation of operational needs
  • Coordination with relevant stakeholders

Temporary projects which might be implemented under this approval include but are not limited to:

  • Interior and Exterior Signage, sandwich boards, and other signage as may be necessary;
  • Temporary structures such as tents, trailers and shade coverings;
  • Temporary furniture for indoor and outdoor seating opportunities.

Any project which is not temporary in nature or which has sufficient lead time to come to UFPB would still be brought forward following the normal process. The Executive Committee (Chair and Vice Chair) would provide approvals similar to what occurs with Space Management Committee.

Staff can provide UFPB regular updates on the COVID-19 pandemic projects if desired by the Board.

Chris Fastnow noted the importance of balancing the representative and deliberative purpose of UFPB with the need to get things done in a timely fashion.

Duane Morris motioned to approve the recommendation for a blanket approval for COVID-19 built improvements for MSU to provide a timely and appropriate response to advance the mission of the University while ensuring safey and compliance protocols.

Chris Fastnow seconded the motion.

The Vote: 10 Aye, 0 Nay.

Horizon Items
