1. Wellness Center - Art Location Vote Results (Olivia)
  2. 1% Policy – Vote Results (Olivia)
  3. Edits to PAAC Website (Name Public Art and Artifacts Committee), policy documents (Olivia)
  4. Courtney - Inventory Sent to PAAC Members (SharePoint Link is Editable) – Complete


  1. Art Submission Process - Courtney
    1. Harrison Hall
    2. BAC Ivan Navarro
  2. Wellness Center Art – Funding and Acquisition – Courtney
    1. “Motion to approve the funding allocation for art in the Wellness Center construction project as outlined in the document titled Wellness Center Art Acquisition dated 2-17-21.”
    2. Update: Romney Hall Art Submissions – Courtney
    3. Question: Reschedule March to accommodate BSD Spring Break