Dorothy Aasheim came to Montana in a covered wagon with her family in 1926. She worked at Montana State College and met her husband Torley there. MSU was special to Aasheim. Her first involvement was in 1935 as a delegate to the 4-H convention. She was president of the MSU’s Woman’s Club in 1960, served on the university alumni board, was a patroness for the Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority and was the first woman to receive a Banquet of Excellence award. She was one of the founders of Women’s Week, a program through MSU Extension, for which she was so proud. She was involved for 42 years, taking over 100 courses.  She was also honored with MSU’s Blue and Gold Award in 2006 and represented Montana at “Montana Day” in Washington, D.C. Today, in the Alumni Legacy Lounge in the SUB, a beautiful stained-glass window pays tribute to Women’s Week with a piece of a quilt, paintbrush and ribbon joining all images. It also displays a yellow rose, the official flower of the MSU Alumni Association and an M, of course, for Torley. This is a project Aasheim organized and funded and will remain a fixture in our campus’ living room forever.

Dorothy Aasheim is a visible thread woven in the fabric of Montana State University, Bozeman, the Gallatin Valley and Montana. – From the Blue and Gold Award nomination

Dorothy Aasheim