Roberta Amendola

Contact Information
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 406-994-6296
Office: 120 Roberts Hall
Education and Training
- University of Genoa (Italy), M.S. in Chemical Engineering, 2006
- University of Genoa (Italy), Ph.D. in Material Science and Technology, 2010
Research and Professional Experience
- Montana State University, Assistant Professor – Mechanical Engineering, 01/2013 – present
- Montana State University, Research Scientist – Chemical Engineering, 07/2012 – 12/2012
- Montana State University, Post Doctoral Research Associate – Mechanical Engineering, 01/2011 – 06/2012
- CNR National Research Council (Italy), Research Scientist – Material Science, 03/2010 – 12/2010
- EMAT 252: Material Structures and properties Laboratory
- EMEC 250: Mechanical Engineering Materials
Research Interests
Dr. Amendola’s research focuses on both fundamental and applied research into materials
degradation and durability in extreme environments for energy, power, and propulsion.
Current research interests include oxidation and corrosion of metallic alloys, high
temperature protective coating development and high temperature corrosive gases and
water vapor interactions with metals and ceramics.
- C. Key, J. Eziashi, R. Amendola, R. Smith, P. Gannon, J. Froitzheim, “Methods to Quantify Reactive Chromium Vaporization from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Interconnects”, accepted, Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2014)
- M. Leonard, R. Amendola, P. Gannon, W. Shong, C. Liu, P. Yang, “Dual atmosphere corrosion of electroless Ni-plated 441 stainless steel for SOFC interconnect applications”, accepted, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2014)
- A. Weisenstein, S. Sofie, N. Childs, D. Driscoll, R. Amendola, P. Gannon, “Processing and Characterization of Sr2-xVMoO6-y double perovskites”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 129, 2-3, 706-718 (2013)
- P.Gannon and R. Amendola, High-Temperature Dual Atmosphere Corrosion of SOFC Interconnects,Journal of Materials, 64, 12, 1470-1476 (2012)
- R. Amendola, P. E Gannon, S. W Sofie, A. J Weisenstein, Interactions between Metallic Interconnects and Ceramic Electrodes in SOFC Operating Environments:air side, Journal of the Electrochemical society 2012, Volume 159, Issue 11, Pages C476-C48
- R. Amendola, P. Gannon, B. Ellingwood, K. Hoyt, P.Piccardo, P. Genocchio, Oxidation behavior of coated and preoxidized ferritic steel in single and dual atmosphere exposures at 800 °C Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 206, Issues 8-9, January 2012, pages 2173 – 2180
- P. Piccardo, R. Amendola, S. Fontana, S. Chevalier, G. Caboche, P. Gannon Interconnect materials for next-generation solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Volume 39, n°4 pages 545-551, 2009
- P. Piccardo, R. Amendola, S. Fontana, S. Chevalier, G. Caboche, P. Gannon Interconnect materials for next-generation solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, Volume 39, n°4 pages 545-551, 2009
- P. Piccardo, P. Gannon, S. Chevalier, M. Viviani, A. Barbucci, G. Caboche, R. Amendola, S.Fontana, ASR evaluation of different kinds of coatings on a ferritic stainless steel as SOFC interconnects, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 202, Issue 4-7, Pages 1221-1225, 2007
- S. Fontana, R. Amendola, S.Chevalier, P.Piccardo, G.Caboche, M.Viviani, R. Molins, M. Sennour, Metallic interconnects for SOFC: Characterization of corrosion resistance and conductivity evaluation at operating temperature of differently coated alloys, The Journal of Power Sources, Volume 171, Issue 2, Pages 652-662, 2007
- P. Piccardo, S. Chevalier, R. Molins, M. Viviani, G. Caboche, A. Barbucci, M. Sennour, R. Amendola, “Metallic interconnects for SOFC: Characterization of corrosion resistance in Hydrogen/water atmosphere at operating temperature of differently coated metallic alloys”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Volume 201, Issue 7, pages 4471-4475, 2006
Professional Memberships
- Member, Material Research Society (MRS)
- Member at large, Electrochemical Society (ECS)
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
Synergistic Activities
Educational outreach and development
- I am involved in supporting undergraduate and graduate research opportunities in Mechanical Engineering at Montana State University.
- I have mentored high school student participating in the Montana Apprenticeship Program (MAP) sponsored by MSU’s American Indian Research Opportunities (AIRO) office.
- I actively support undergraduate research in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering through the Undergraduate Scholar Program (USP) sponsored by MSU.
Reviewing activities (past 2 years):
I have reviewed papers for the following journals:
- Ceramic International
- Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
- Thermal Science
- Surface and Coatings Technology
- Journal of the Electrochemical Society
- Journal of Composite Materials
- High Temperature Materials and Processes
- Fuel Cells
- Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E
- Materials Characterization
- Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance