What is it?

A certificate of insurance (CoI) is proof of coverage for liability for a given event or activity.  In effect, it provides evidence of insurance to meet the requirements stipulated in a contract.

Why do we need one?

A certificate of insurance is critical to ensure that MSU has the insurance protections afforded by the contractual requirements.  Likewise, other entities may request a Certificate of Insurance from MSU for similar reasons.


Issued To MSU:
A Certificate of Insurance must be provided to the university’s office of Safety & Risk Management (SRM) 10 days BEFORE contracted services begin, the commencement date of a contract, or others seek to use facilities at Montana State University. When submitting for review, provide a copy of the agreement or contract or any other contracting document, if applicable.

Issued From MSU:
If you need to request a COI, please request it 10 days BEFORE it is needed.


COI Issued To MSU

Instructions & Details


Requesting a COI

Auto Insurance

Printable Proof of Insurance for your MSU-owned auto