Standard 1.A - Mission and Goals

The institution's mission and goals define the institution, including its educational activities, its student body, and its role within the higher education community. The evaluation proceeds from the institution's own definition of its mission and goals. Such evaluation is to determine the extent to which the mission and goals are achieved and are consistent with the Commission's eligibility requirements and standards.

1.A.1 The institution's mission and goals derive from, or are widely understood by, the campus community, are adopted by the governing board, and are periodically reexamined.

1.A.2 The mission, as adopted by the governing board, appears in appropriate institutional publications, including the catalog.

1.A.3 Progress in accomplishing the institution's mission and goals is documented and made public.

1.A.4 Goals are determined consistent with the institution's mission and its resources - human, physical, and financial.

1.A.5 The institution's mission and goals give direction to all its educational activities, to its admission policies, selection of faculty, allocation of resources, and to planning.

1.A.6 Public service is consistent with the educational mission and goals of the institution.

1.A.7 The institution reviews with the Commission, contemplated changes that would alter its mission, autonomy, ownership or locus of control, or its intention to offer a degree at a higher level than is included in its present accreditation, or other changes in accordance with Policy A-2 - Substantive Change, pages 94-99.

Standard 1.B - Planning and Effectiveness

The institution engages in ongoing planning to achieve its mission and goals. It also evaluates how well, and in what ways, it is accomplishing its mission and goals and uses the results for broad-based, continuous planning and evaluation. Through its planning process, the institution asks questions, seeks answers, analyzes itself, and revises its goals, policies, procedures, and resource allocation.

1.B.1 The institution clearly defines its evaluation and planning processes. It develops and implements procedures to evaluate the extent to which it achieves institutional goals.

1.B.2 The institution engages in systematic planning for, and evaluation of, its activities, including teaching, research, and public service consistent with institutional mission and goals.

1.B.3 The planning process is participatory involving constituencies appropriate to the institution such as board members, administrators, faculty, staff, students, and other interested parties.

1.B.4 The institution uses the results of its systematic evaluation activities and ongoing planning processes to influence resource allocation and to improve its instructional programs, institutional services, and activities.

1.B.5 The institution integrates its evaluation and planning processes to identify institutional priorities for improvement.

1.B.6 The institution provides the necessary resources for effective evaluation and planning processes.

1.B.7 The institution's research is integrated with and supportive of institutional evaluation and planning.

1.B.8 The institution systematically reviews its institutional research efforts, its evaluation processes, and its planning activities to document their effectiveness.

1.B.9 The institution uses information from its planning and evaluation processes to communicate evidence of institutional effectiveness to its public.

Supporting Documentation for Standard One


1. Official statement of the institutional mission: Indicate how and when it was developed, approved, and communicated to the institution's constituencies.

2. Evidence that demonstrates the analysis and appraisal of institutional outcomes. Examples may include:

  • annual goals and assessment of success in their accomplishments;
  • studies of alumni and former students;
  • studies regarding effectiveness of programs and their graduates;
  • studies that indicate degree of success in placing graduates;
  • test comparisons that reveal beginning and ending competencies; and
  • surveys of satisfaction - students, alumni, and employees.

Required Exhibit:

Institutional short term, strategic, or long term plans. Includes system master plans when applicable.


Planning studies, including enrollment history for the past five years, enrollment projections, program need analyses, personnel availability data, development possibilities, and other products of institutional research.