Standard 8.A - Instructional and Support Facilities

Sufficient physical resources, particularly institutional facilities, are designed, maintained, and managed (at both on- and off-campus sites) to achieve the institution's mission and goals.

8.A.1 Institutional facilities are sufficient to achieve the institution's mission and goals.

8.A.2 Facilities assigned to an institutional function are adequate for the effective operation of the function.

8.A.3 The institution's facilities are furnished adequately for work, study, and research by students, faculty, and staff.

8.A.4 The management, maintenance, and operation of institutional facilities are adequate to ensure their continuing quality and safety necessary to support the educational programs and support services of the institution.

8.A.5 Facilities are constructed and maintained with due regard for health and safety and for access by the physically disabled.

8.A.6 When programs are offered off the primary campus, the physical facilities at these sites are appropriate to the programs offered.

8.A.7 When facilities owned and operated by other organizations or individuals are used by the institution for educational purposes, the facilities meet this standard.

Standard 8.B - Equipment and Materials

Equipment is sufficient in quality and amount to facilitate the achievement of educational goals and objectives of the institution.

8.B.1 Suitable equipment (including computing and laboratory equipment) is provided and is readily accessible at on- and off-campus sites to meet educational and administrative requirements.

8.B.2 Equipment is maintained in proper operating condition, is inventoried and controlled, and replaced or upgraded as needed.

8.B.3 Use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials are in accordance with the institution's prescribed procedures.

Standard 8.C - Physical Resources Planning

Comprehensive physical resources planning occurs and is based upon the mission and goals of the institution.

8.C.1 The master plan for campus physical development is consistent with the mission and the long-range educational plan of the institution, and the master plan is updated periodically.

8.C.2 Physical facilities development and major renovation planning include plans for the acquisition or allocation of the required capital and operating funds.

8.C.3 Physical resource planning addresses access to institutional facilities for special constituencies including the physically impaired and provides for appropriate security arrangements.

8.C.4 Governing board members and affected constituent groups are involved, as appropriate, in planning physical facilities.

Supporting Documentation for Standard Eight


Campus map, and/or, if applicable, other educational site maps.

Required Exhibits:

1. Policy statements concerning access to campus for various constituencies, visitor information, security, and public safety.

2. Schedule for replacement of instructional equipment and examples of inventories which are maintained.

3. Campus facilities master plan and accompanying maps that indicate changes over the past several years.

4. Annual and long-term plans for remodeling, renovation, and major maintenance.

5. Major property additions or capital improvements during the past three years and those planned for the next three years.


1. Space utilization studies including unit-by-unit assignments.

2. Measures utilized to determine the adequacy of facilities for the institution's programs and services.