Below are questions asked during the Webinar sessions with answers to the question.

Q. How do I get the titled transferred on a car from my deceased husband’s name to mine?

A.  Complete the form from the Montana Department of Justice Motor Vehicle Division: Application for Title of a Vehicle by Right of Survivorship.  Send to 1003, Buckskin Drive, Deer Lodge, MT 59722-2375. Here is the link to the Application for Title of Vehicle by Right of Survivorship

Q. Where can I get a copy of the homestead declaration form?

A.  An example is included in the MSU Extension MontGuide "Using a Homestead Declaration to Protect Your Home from Creditors". 
Montana Homestead Declaration Form and Instructions are also available at:

Q. How do I donate my body to a medical school?

A. The bequest procedure for donating your body to medical education is as follows in Montana. Fill out a Declaration of Consent Form or Uniform Donor Card stating that your entire body shall go to a medical school or medical training program for use in medical education or research. Declaration of Consent Forms can be obtained by downloading at:

Keep one copy of the Declaration of Consent Form, give the second copy to your next of kin, attorney or physician, and forward the third copy to the WWAMI Medical Education Program at the address on the form.  The bequest should be signed in the presence of two witnesses who also sign the form.

Q. Where can I get wills, power of attorney, and probate forms?

A. The forms can be downloaded at State Law Library website.