2024 spring classes and research opportunities

No openings for spring 2024. Check back to see when the research opportunities listed below become available.

Undergraduate research projects

  1. PATH (Promoting Agricultural Transformation Holistically) program: Develop sustainable & culturally-sensitive products that empower Senegalese women farmers
  2. Extrusion program: Develop extruded products using Montana specialty crops, particularly pulses

If you are interested, please enroll in:

NUTR/SFBS/ECHM/USP 490R (1-3 credits)

Flexible hours and stipend possible

Audience: Students interested in food science and technology, sustainable food systems, specialty crops, fermentation, recipe development, specialty crops, and Indigenous foods

Description: Semester-long research activities with flexible hours (45h/credit). Focus on community partnership and/or fundamental research activities, working under guidance by graduate students or lab staff. You can apply for Undergraduate Scholar Program research stipend.

Prerequisites: Junior standing and consent of instructor (contact Dr. Kuo). Consider taking NUTR 430 Food Processing, SFBS 491 Farm to Market prior to or concurrently with joining our lab research team. These courses will provide foundational knowledge and practical skills, increase your chances of your application being accepted, and open up research funding opportunities.

Steps for applying:

  1. Browse our website to learn about the research projects listed above.
  2. Discuss with your advisor if you are:
    1. Eligible for and plan to apply for funding such as FYRE, Empower, USP, or work study, or other funding (note: relevant research and/or work experience, and/or junior/senior standing are usually more preferred for the Empower and USP funding)
    2. Eligible for and plan to sign up for how many research credits (NUTR 490R, SFBS 490R, or the 490R of your major such as ECHM 490R; 45h of research work per credit)