We'll use R, which is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.  R is an integrated suite of software facilities for data manipulation, calculation and graphical display. To complete many of the assignments this semester, you'll need to become fairly proficient in R. You can download and install R on your own computer using the links below.  If you don't have your own computer, you can use the software on various computers across campus.  

For lots of information on R, visit the CRAN repository. On the left side of the main CRAN page, look under "Documentation" to find links to lots of good resources for learning R. Please let me know if you find resources that are especially helpful.
RStudio logo
I find RStudio to be a very useful interface for using R and strongly recommend that you consider using it for your work in the course.

CRAN repository:

Latex Project logo




  • If you want to be able to produce pdf's from RMarkdown, you'll need to install LaTex. Visit The LaTex Project page to learn more and to download the necessary software for various computer platforms (e.g., Windows, Linux, Mac OS) under the "Get" tab.


  • This class is supported by DataCamp, a helpful learning platform for learning R (as well as Python and SQL) through a combination of short videos and hands-on exercises.

Updated: 01/26/2022