Tutors are paired with K - 8 students in Bozeman area schools who have been identified as needing help with reading, literacy, and math. We will work with your schedule to make sure that you earn as much of your award as possible while maintaining a schedule that is beneficial to you.  The Field Placement & Licensure Office provides all tutors training prior to beginning tutor sessions in the classroom.

  • Teachers identify a student(s) who could benefit from one-on-one tutoring in math and/or literacy.
  • Tutors are paired with this/these student(s).
  • Tutors work 7 – 10 hours weekly, depending on need. Scheduling is flexible, allowing tutors to choose their hours and coordinated with teacher requested times and days.
  • We make every attempt possible to match a student with a tutor, but cannot guarantee each referred student can be matched. The matching process is dependent upon how many tutors apply to our program and how well the schedules of selected tutors match the days and times a student is available to be tutored.
  • Tutors work directly with classroom teachers to discuss the special needs of each student.
  • Teachers act as supervisors of tutor in their classroom.