All About Bulbs!  October 10

Workshop to be held Thursday October 10 starting at 6:00 p.m.
Community Room Valley County Courthouse

  • Fall outdoor planting
  • Forcing bulbs for winter and spring blooms

Fee is $10...Spaces Limited!
Contact Valley County Extension for more infomation.  406-228-6241


Planting Conservation Tree Seedlings

Peter Kolb, MSU Extension Forestry Specialist has shared a guide pertaining to planting conservation tree seedlings.  The "hand planting tree seedlings guide" is available at:


Hand-Planting Guidelines for Bareroot Trees and Shrubs

Tree Planting Guidelines


Yard and Garden

Yard and Garden Publications from MSU
These are available for download or contact our office for a copy.


Additional information from NDSU Extension on lawns,gardens and trees