Awards Who can Nominate
Anyone can nominate a member (a leader, parent, other members or members can nominate themselves). Use a separate nomination form for each award area.
- Any project area - Example: Beef, Foods, Leather, Horticulture, etc.
- Citizenship - Definition: Learning about and/or participating in government at any level (club, school, county, state or national). Community Service Projects fit here also.
- Leadership - Definition: Demonstrating an effort to improve your own personal leadership abilities by participating in opportunities to increase your leadership skills.(examples: attend a leadership workshop, attend 4-H Council meetings, helping younger members, etc.)
- Conservation - Definition: Learning and/or achievement that protects, develops, and/or conserves our natural resources.
- Health - Definition: Participating or leading opportunities to learn more about community/self-health issues. Concentrating on opportunities for yourself and others to increase knowledge about total health issues. Participate in healthy life styles and habits.
- Achievement - Definition: Excelling in personal growth by meeting your 4-H goals.
- Safety - Definition: Improving your awareness in all areas of safety. Could include animal, personal, community and global.
- Outstanding 4-H First Year - Definition: Those first year members who have gone far and beyond the average 4-H member as they begin projects and learn about 4-H.
- Outstanding Organizational Leader - A leader has gone far and beyond the call of duty for you or your club.
- Outstanding Resource Person - Definition: Can be a 4-H or non-4-H person who helped teach something in 4-H.
- Friend of 4-H - A contributor, either business or individual who donates time, money, places to meet, anything extra that should be recognized.
- Outstanding Alumni - Definition: A former 4-H member who has had a positive influence on the 4-H values and tradition.
- Each member must have earned a Gold Seal on their Record Book before the nomination can be received.
- Completed nomination form turned in at the Extension Office by due date.
- The Award Committee will review the “Award of Excellence” nominations to make award selections.
- Winners will be recognized at Award/Fun Day scheduled in the fall.
- More than one award may be given in each area.
- No award will be given if a standard of excellence is not achieved.
- Outstanding achievement can be given to an entire club for a specific club project or activity.