Faculty Senate Minutes

March 21st, 2018

Fireplace Room in SUB

3:10- 4:30 pm


28 Senators present including:





Babcock, Michael




Richards, Abigail




Anderson, Ryan


EN/Chem Engr


Arnold, Shannon




Austin, Eric


LS/Political Science


Belasco, Eric


AG/Ag Econ


Brody, Michael




Haynes, George


Extension/On Campus


Ewing, Stephanie


AG/Land Resources


Gedeon, Tomas


LS/Math Sciences


McEvoy, Jamie


LS/Earth Sciences


Rognlie, Juli


Gallatin College


Larson, Robb


EN/Mech & Ind Engr


Martin, James


LS/Modern Languages


Smith, Jessi




Rebane, Aleks




Sterman, Leila




Wiedenheft, Blake


AG/Micro & Immuno


Yamaguchi, Tomomi


LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Dunbar, Ed


Alternate, HHD


I. Call to Order at 3:11

II. Approval of the February 28th meeting minutes – moved and seconded. Passed.

III. Old Business

a.       Master of Arts in Teaching (Chair-Elect Richards)

1.       First reading last meeting. Summary of proposal

a.       Housed within Department of Education

b.       Designed for bachelor's degree holders seeking program leading to recommendation for initial licensure to teach in Montana's public elementary or secondary schools, elementary and post-secondary

c.       Targets individuals interested in changing careers

d.       Replaces Northern Plains Transition to Teaching (NPTT)

e.       Different from existing Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction

2.       Senator discussion (Dr. Seifert available for questions)

a.       Gedeon –wondered if the program has addressed math proficiency.

b.       Brody –Described a pre-exam that measures mathematical ability of proposed students. No students will be admitted without acceptable math scores. Asked that Prof Seifert respond to the issue.

c.       Seifert -This program is for professionals who wish to seek professional  licensure to teach. PRAXIS exam is required for specific areas they wish to teach. All students need to pass exams in order to be admitted. Also shows where there may be weaknesses and those areas that more work needs to be done. Content knowledge and pedagogies of that content knowledge.

d.       Thomas – The English Department is in support of the proposal.

e.       Larson – Asked question regarding the timeline for implementation. Question referred to Prof. Seifert.  Seifert- The summer will be used to build out courses. Launch summer of 2019

3.       Motion to end debate, seconded, and passed with no opposed. One abstention.

4.       Call for vote. Motion to approve. Seconded. Vote 26 for, 2 opposed, no abstentions.

  Motion passed

b.       Report from Faculty Senate Steering Committee

·   Steering met and approved one course. BIOE 535.

c.       Informational Items

·         Student policy revisions (Dean Matt Caires) - withdrawn

·         Emergency alert system (VP Jerry Sheehan) – tabled for next agenda.

d.       Continuation of CRAEA proposal debate (Chair Babcock)

1.       Smith – motion to postpone debate pending a report from an ad hoc committee composed of 7 senators on guidelines for the approval and review of new and existing research centers. Seconded by Austin. Prior to vote, Chair Babcock informed the senate that a different motion was discussed with a senator that involved an ad hoc committee composed of representation from the 3 groups that review center proposals. This motion was anticipated by chair Babcock. This information was offered to provide clarity to the motion on the floor; it was not an amendment to the Smith motion.

2.       Motion made by Smith failed to receive the majority votes required to pass.

3.       Gedeon-motion to postpone debate until a joint ad hoc committee composed of representatives for faculty senate, Dean’s Council, and Research Council provide faculty senate will establish guidelines on the approval, review and sun-setting of research centers and institutes. Motion seconded by Creel.

4.       Vote on motion was 20 for, 6 opposed, and 2 abstentions. Motion passed.

IV.  New Business

a.       New Courses (Chair Elect Richards)

·   ACTG 298: Internship

·   BIOE 298: Internship

·   HORT 201: Sustainable Landscape Studio

·   M 005: Co-Requisite Support for M105Q

·   MUSI 133IA: Country Music: Cowboys, Opry and Nashville

·   NUTR 435: Experimental Foods

·   SPNS 305: Spanish Phonetics

·   WILD 298: Internship

Senators were informed to bring any concerns regarding these courses to Chair Babcock or Chair- Elect Richards. If none are received, these courses will be discussed and potentially approved by the faculty senate steering committee.

b.         New Programs - Program change (Chair Elect Richards) HLSS-MS: Master of Science in Health Sciences

·         Goal is to provide students with an opportunity to diversify or further solidify their educational foundation through graduate education that can be applied to any of several career paths in the health care field.

·         Existing Plan B MS program approved by BOR in 2009.

·         Averages ~12 students per year.

·         30 credits, with 9 from a declared emphasis area.

·         Minor changes to courses listed within each emphasis area.

·         Some rubric changes addressed per CCN.

·         Program to be run out of the College of Letters and Science rather than WAAMI.

·         This proposed program change will be discussed at the next faculty senate meeting.

c.            Election- Chair-Elect of Faculty Senate for 2018-19 academic year. (Chair-Elect Richards)

·            Only one nomination so far.

·            Chair-Elect Richards state that she would welcome a motion to postpone the election until March 28th to allow for additional nominations. New nominations would be accepted until Friday 23rd.

·            Motion to postpone, seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

·            Duties of Chair-Elect and Chair were presented to the senate

Chair-Elect (35% POE)

Assume the duties of the Chair in his/her absence.

Attend meetings of the Faculty Senate Executive Steering Committee as an ex officio member and preside over that body in the absence of the Chair. Serve as Chair of the Academic Programs Working Group.

Represent the Faculty Senate on university or MUS committees as assigned. Serve as a member of university committees when so designated.

Attend Board of Regents meetings when possible.

Chair (60% POE)

Preside over meetings of Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Steering Committee.

Develop and approve agendas for the meetings of the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Senate Executive Steering Committee.

Set the agenda and preside over meetings of the Leadership Meeting which takes place each week with the President and Provost.

Attend all meetings of the Board of Regents as the official representative of Faculty Senate.

Prepare and approve an executive recommendation for the annual Faculty Senate budget, including release time, travel, and other appropriate items

to be approved by the Steering Committee prior to being transmitted to the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Represent Faculty Senate and communicate information about its activities to Montana State University, the Montana University System, and the Montana Board of Regents.

Provide Faculty Senate representation on university or MUS committees.

V. Public Comment

·         Dr. Michael Reidy (Dept. History) stated that he is not in favor of the ad hoc committee on centers. Expressed worried that the faculty ‘voice’ will be diluted by other groups.

·         No other public comments.

VI. Adjournment 3:56


A downloadable PDF of this information can be found here.