Pricing & Registration Dates

Registration: $215 per week, per camper

Registration is now open!

BSYC operates as a non-profit and receives no University funding
  • Payment is due in full at time of registration.
  • Campers will provide their own: sunscreen, water bottle, lunch and snacks, backpack, swimsuit, towel, medications, and anything else necessary for your specific child's needs.

Cancellation & Refund Policies

  • A full refund will be given for a cancellation with two weeks notice.
  • No refund will be given with less than two weeks notice.
  • Weeks may be transferred if space allows, weeks will not be prorated.

Camper Groups

Group Grade Max Enrollment

The Kinder Kits group will not be offered in 2024


1st & 2nd

20* campers

Jr. Cats

3rd & 4th

20* campers


5th & 6th

20* campers

The CIT program is back for Summer 2024!

*Numbers of spots available may differ before registration opens due to scholarship spots being withheld. 

Our full day camps are available for children entering 1st - 6th grade in Fall 2024.

  • Seven week-long sessions June 10 - August 2. There is no camp the week of July 1.
  • Each session runs Monday through Friday, 8:30a-3:30p.
  • Campers can register for just a single week or all seven weeks.

BSYC Location and Parking Information


For the remaining weeks of camp we will be operating out of NORTH Dome.

Thank you for your patience as the dates to operate camp out of the new Student Wellness Center are everchanging. As soon as we are able to get in, we will be!

General Daily Camp Schedule

Each week campers have the opportunity to take part in water games, fitness activities, outdoor adventures, educational sessions and craft activities which go along with the camp theme. 

Field Trips!

We try to utilize our wonderful MSU community as much as we can but some weeks we may go on mini adventures over to the Galligator Trail or Museum of the Rockies!

Movie Fridays!

When able, on Friday mornings, campers will watch a kid friendly movie!

The following is a general timeline of what to expect each day :

Monday - Friday
8:30a - 9a


If dropping off after 9am, parents/guardians are responsible for meeting their child's group wherever they may be at on campus. Be sure to communicate ahead of time with a counselor.

9a - 10a

All Camp Games

10a - 12p

Snack and Theme Activities

12p - 12:30p


12:30p - 3p

Theme Activities

3p - 3:30p


If picking up before 3pm, parents/guardians are responsible for meeting their child's group wherever they may be at on campus. Be sure to communicate ahead of time with a counselor.


In the event of an emergency, ClassDojo will be utilized to inform all families of the location and status of an age group immediately. Families are encourage to register for an account in order to receive alerts faster. We do not always have access to our registration system or a desktop computer to send out a mass email during emergencies.

ClassDojo also helps counselors better communicate behavior patterns of campers with their parents throughout the day.

  • Counselors can bring parents to the camp day experience by sharing photos, videos, and announcements
  • Counselors can also safely and instantly message with any parent.

ClassDojo is free for everyone and it works on all devices such as smart phones, tablets, and desktop computers. 

Outside of camp hours, staff are not expected to reply to families via ClassDojo and all communications should be directed to [email protected].