Posted by Darby Mackenstadt on March 27, 2020

College is a time of transition and growth. Most of us move hours away from home, leaving behind family, friends, and pets. This can make it difficult to feel connected. Below are some tips on how to connect here on campus!

Join a club or organization!

    • As soon as you get onto campus, Catapalooza is up and running for you to explore! The clubs and organizations want to meet you! If they were full or didn’t want new members, they wouldn’t be out on the mall! So take a step out of your bubble and find some people with similar interests!

Get a job, if you have time

    • Having a job can give you another community of people who are going through the same things as you. You could use Hire – A – Bobcat to find a job on campus or search for one off campus! Bozeman being a college town, it is highly likely you will work with other students!

Find a study group

    • Chances are, your classes will be full of students in similar majors and tracks as you! Find some familiar faces and introduce yourself! Making a study group to share your class struggles and frustrations will make you feel less alone when things get tough.

Find a place to volunteer!

    • When you and a bunch of other people are working for the same good purpose, it connects you emotionally and mentally. You are able to share time with others while working for something you all care about!

Get a college friendly pet or a plant!

    • Getting a Goldfish or a succulent can help you feel needed! Having this little thing depend on you to survive can help you find purpose here on campus when it may be hard to find sometimes.

Send letters home!

    • Older generations love writing letters and lets face it, we all love getting mail! Make your grandma or grandpa your pen pal and just keep them updated about your day to day life! It may seem like nothing to you to tell them how College Algebra is kicking your butt, but they will appreciate it and you can appreciate the letters and care packages you get back!

College is both exciting and terrifying for all of us. But having a support system will make it easier! Hopefully the tips above will you find your people here at MSU!

Resources at MSU

Counseling and Psychological Services

Services: Individual, couples, and group counseling is available at CPS for MSU students. If you need to talk to someone about your difficulties connecting on campus and how it is affecting you, give CPS a call to set up an appointment. Services are free for MSU students.

Location: 2nd Floor Swingle Building, East of the SUB

Telephone: (406) 994-4531

The Office of Health Advancement:

Wellness Coaching:

Services: At OHA, there are several wellness coaches who are able to meet one-on-one with you to discuss your goals, help you find ways to connect on campus, improve time management, and overall improve your wellness!

Location: 1102/1106 S. 6th Ave., Bozeman, MT

Telephone: (406) 994-4380