Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Chris Fastnow

Janet Heiss-Arms

Kathy Attebury
Martha Potvin
Wade Hill
Becca Belou
Terry Leist
Keely Holmes
Ian Godwin
Adam Edelman (for Jerry Sheehan)
Sara Mannheimer
Ron Larsen
Michael Babcock
Brendan Mumey
Walt Banziger
Nicol Rae
Virginia Bratton
Tricia Seifert
Tami Eitle
Nora Smith


I.  Welcome and Announcements

Thank you to the new members joining the Council: Michael Babcock (Faculty Senate), Walt Banziger (Professional Council), Wade Hill (Nursing), Tricia Seifert (Education, Health and Human Development), Nora Smith (Agriculture)

II.  Approval of Minutes from May 27, 2015 - approved

III.  Information/Updates

A.  Most recent goal updates

Chris passed out the most recent goal update tables (attached) distributed to Deans and Department Heads in August.  The Council discussed several specific metrics and highlighted somewhere targets have been met and some where the trend seems to be in the wrong direction.  There was discussion about the ADA metric’s definitions and the lack of movement on a master plan.

B.  Discussion with leadership team, deans and department heads

Chris reported on the prioritization process since the Council last met in May.  The memo describing the Council’s process and consensus around four objectives (L1, D1, I1, S1) was sent to President Cruzado, who discussed the Council’s recommendation with the leadership team.  That group endorsed these objectives for prioritization in planning and budgeting for AY/FY17.  Chris will present the priorities to University Council next week and asked Council members to disseminate to their units.

Other Council chairs have been asked to discuss with their groups.  Budget Council and the UPdate Budget group are working on a new budget model and process that could build in incentives for these four objectives, or there may be a pool carved out for short term investments in these areas.

There was discussion about appropriate feedback from the university.  Chris requested information on how or whether these priorities influenced AY17 planning and budgeting, as this is a new process.  Anything on its efficacy is appreciated.  New budget process and timing should allow for some level of review of alignment with these priorities. 

There was discussion on the alignment of the priorities with the MSUAF comprehensive campaign goals.  While the campaign is aligned very closely with the MSU Strategic Plan, its focus is on long term investments to foster the SP goals, while the Planning Council prioritization process was focused on short-term emphasis on a subset of the Plan.  The alignment exists, though MSUAF’s longer term outlook includes priorities in addition to these four.  Similarly, departments have areas of strength that support other parts of the plan and should not neglect those in pursuit of these if the fit is not good.

IV.  Discussion:

A.  AY16 Planning Council goals

Suggested activities in alignment with our mission and responsibilities:

1.  Continue assessment of SP progress, including identifying metrics where we are close to targets or trending the wrong way. Council members suggested some metrics in the Access goal specifically.  Members will review the goal updates for other areas to investigate.  This may include revisiting metric targets for suggested revision.  Large gaps will be examined for lack of attention, strategies, or ownership.  The Council may make recommendations to the University in these areas.  There was general agreement to focus here for the Fall.

2.  Prioritize for AY18 planning and budgeting, in part based on assessment. This will be a Spring activity, following the planning/budgeting cycle initiated last year.

3.  Consider aligning timing of planning activities, starting with Core Themes, more closely with the accreditation cycle.

B.  Meeting schedule

We will continue to use fourth Wednesdays, 1-3 pm

V.  Other Business - none

Next Meeting: September 23, 2015 1 – 3 pm, PCR


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.