 Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Chris Fastnow

Wade Hill

Kathy Attebury
Michael Babcock
Keely Holmes
Ian Godwin
Walt Banziger
Sara Mannheimer
Tami Eitle
Brendan Mumey
Janet Heiss-Arms
Nicol Rae


  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. Janet Heiss-Arms updated the group on the UPdate Core task force’s work. They have been meeting weekly and expect to put proposals before the campus community within a month
    2. Kathy Attebury updated the group on the FY17 Strategic ($1.2 m) and Results ($300k) Investment Pools. These are OTO funds in support of the PC priorities for FY17 or for graduate education or performance funding related efforts.  VPs will request proposals within their units.
  2. Approval of Minutes from February 24, 2016 - approved
  3. Information/Updates
    1. University Council Update on Stewardship. Chris Fastnow handed out the Stewardship goal update and the Council discussed.
  4. Discussion:  Prioritization
    1. The Council reviewed the items noted last spring for prioritization: results from the campus-wide questionnaire, the Faculty Senate Prioritization document, priorities from the academic Deans, Performance Funding metrics, and Accreditation needs.
    2. The Council also reviewed the objectives most closely related to the research, grad ed, and workload task forces.
    3. The Council looked at those metrics where the targets have been met or exceeded for two or more measurement years and those where progress is slow, we are far from the target, or we are not adequately measuring success. (attached)
    4. Walt Banziger presented Professional Council’s input: desire to improve efforts on professional salaries, concern about employee churn rates and attendant recruitment and training costs, and questions about admission standards, learning outcomes, and other student success measures.
    5. Keely Holmes presented one staff comment she received focused on the HR stewardship metric, specifically impact of growth on staff as well as student retention, and a desire for salary and physical improvements to aid both.
    6. Other topics mentioned by Council members: pending recommendations from the Workload Task Force; Graduate Education – new vs expansion of current programs; difficulty of Interdisciplinary efforts; research space.
    7. Fastnow asked Council members to continue to think about winnowing the list of priorities with input from their constituent groups. Please consult with your colleagues before the April meeting.
  5. Other Business - none

Next Meeting: April 27, 1-3 pm PCR


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