 Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Chris Fastnow

Myleen Leary

Kathy Attebury
Carmen Byker-Shanks
Ilse-Mari Lee
Becca Belou
Stephanie Gray
Terry Leist
Ian Godwin
Keeley Holmes
Bob Mokwa
Ron Larsen
Jake Kaminetzky
Nora Smith
Bridget Kevane
Randy Stephens (for Walt Banziger)
Franke Wilmer


  1. Welcome and announcements
  2. Approval of August minutes Minutes approved with a corrected typo (attached)
  3. 2016 Strategic Plan Progress Report


Chris handed out the printed annual progress report, made beautiful by University Communications, and made meaningful by the work of people across campus.  Of special note is the budget alignment section that continues to demonstrate our commitment as a university to make tangible investments in strategic plan goals.

IV.  Preview of the University Council report for October – Integration (attached)

A.  Chris passed out copies of the draft report on Integration metrics for University Council in October. The Council discussed the metrics on integration of learning, discovery, and engagement. 

B.  There was discussion about how the SP definition of integration of L, D and E and the proposed language in the faculty handbook relate. Provost Mokwa discussed the JAGS recommendations. Council members saw overlap in the SP metrics and the P and T language.

C.  Discuss interdisciplinary metrics – Ian led the Council through some data definitions in the interdisciplinary program metrics. The Council recommended a blend of narrowly- and broadly-defined metrics: the list of interdisciplinary majors and minors as the narrow metric (attached – promised at the meeting) and any combination of second majors, degrees, or minors, regardless of the departments in which they reside.

V.  Discussion: what information do you want to see to properly assess and prioritize this year?

Council members suggested looking at items from the upcoming NWCCU Year 7 Report to guide discussions this year.

Council is looking for ways to be involved in and support the Diversity Plan activity.

Council members asked for information on recruiting and enrolling students, forecasts, and needs that may arise from growing enrollment

OPA will bring an updated list of metrics we have exceeded and those where we need to make more progress.

OPA will bring a list of items that rely on faculty data in Activity Insight so faculty might be encouraged to pay attention to those in particular when entering their information.

VI.  Other Business

No other business.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm 

Next Meeting: October 19, 2016 (NOTE 3rd Wednesday), 1 pm, PCR


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.