Members Present
Members Present
Others Present

Chris Fastnow

Bob Mokwa

Kathy Attebury
Walt Banziger
Brendan Mumey
Rebecca Belou
Carmen Byker-Shanks
Jerry Sheehan
Tami Eitle
Bridget Kevane
Nora Smith
Eric Lopez
Terry Leist
Franke Wilmer


I.  Welcome and announcements

II.  Approval of January minutes - approved

III.  Diversity planning update and integration with strategic planning process – Eric Lopez

Rusty Barcelo was unable to attend PC this month.  Eric Lopez updated the Council. 

Summit II on February 2 was well attended.  Tables were seated by student, faculty, staff groups.  Discussion around the draft diversity statement, strengths and weaknesses at MSU, goals and strategies.  Participants indicated commitment to specific goals and strategies.

Next event will be a design charrette on April 12 in the SUB.  Come and go togive additional feedback.  They will likely present 5 or so goals and the updated diversity statement draft.

Online forum also will be available for feedback.

The diversity group plans to have a Blueprint for Diversity and Inclusion (BDI) for the President and Planning Council by the end of the term to inform the next strategic plan.  It will likely have goals around number targets, professional development and training, and celebrating diversity.

There will likely be a climate survey to all constituencies next fall, which can complement existing data collection efforts like the department and office self-studies.

Questions were raised about the need for unit level plans at this point.  Eric said units can wait. 

IV.  Accreditation update, PC role – Tami Eitle

Tami Eitle updated the Council on progress on the self-study and timeline for completion and the accreditation visit.  Several committees with overlapping membership are involved so far (see handout).  The University Assessment and Outcomes Committee will be more deeply engaged in the coming weeks.  All assessment plans need to be submitted as soon as practicable.

We are currently seeking nominations and volunteers for an accreditation task force with targeted writing assignments for the next weeks.  PC members with experience and expertise in the prioritization process are especially eagerly invited to participate.  If PC members know of others in their units who have experience with assessment and budgeting, these would also be welcome.

PC will be asked to review drafts of specific sections of the self-study in addition to the general campus call for review.  Please read and submit recommendations promptly when asked.

V.  Review of the University Council report for March – Stewardship

Postponed to March 22 meeting.

VI.  Call for subcommittees

Chris Fastnow requested volunteers for two groups with short-term time commitments:

A.  Department head and dean discussions


VII.  Discussion: FY 19 Prioritization timeline and information needs

At the March 22 meeting, the Council will devote the bulk of our time to prioritizing for FY19.  The Council requested several pieces of information:

  • Prior prioritizations outcomes (FY17 Priorities and FY18 Priorities)
  • List of metrics that have surpassed targets and those with slow progress
  • Performance Funding metrics
  • Goal progress reports
  • Investments made through strategic investment proposal process and budget model investment pools
  • Summaries of priorities across campus groups from first prioritization process (big sheets)

 VIII.  Other Business - none

Next Meeting: March 22, 2017, 1-3 pm


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.