Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Dean Adams

Ilse-Mari Lee

Kathy Attebury
Chris Fastnow
Rob Maher
Michael Babcock
Stephanie Gray
Kasia Maison
Becca Belou
Wade Hill
Sara Mannheimer
Tami Eitle
Sheridan Johnson
Michael Trotter (for Sheehan)
Ian Godwin
Bridget Kevane
John How


I.  Welcome and Announcements

II.  Approval of Minutes from 10/24 - approved

III.  Strategic Planning Process Update

A.  Chris announced that University Council adopted the plan on Nov 7. The mission and core themes must still be approved by the BOR. 

IV.  Discussion:

A.  Unit Strategic Planning

The Council discussed expectations, final products, which levels of units were obligated to do follow on planning, approval queues, resource planning, sequencing within the hierarchy of organizations, reasonable deadlines, resources for planning help, incentives for planning early, and how to demonstrate and/or confirm alignment with the MSU strategic plan.  The Council reviewed an MUS/MSU plan alignment document for reference as well as a sample outline planning process.

The Council’s role is to recommend a unit-level planning alignment process to the President.

--The Council endorsed a timeline that would allow for summer reflection but for final input to occur when faculty and students might be able to weigh in.  We will recommend Sept 15 as a final deadline.

Timing for service units (admin, IT, etc.) could be later to allow for responsiveness to the academic and student units.

--The Council endorsed development of a template that would help units align their work at the appropriate level of the strategic plan and consider resources to reallocate or request. 

--Chris will draft and distribute for initial review.

--The Council endorsed requiring Colleges, VPs, and others reporting to the VPs to report their plan alignment.  Spirited discussion surrounded requiring units at lower levels to similarly plan.  The Council landed on recommending leaving discretion to the Deans and similarly situated leaders of units.

--The Council endorsed offering help to units as they plan – to include a training session(s), meetings with planning committees to provide orientation to the MSU plan, and a self-study guide.

-- The Council endorsed communicating expectations widely and developing reinforcing practices, including asking each College to update PC annually on their progress, aligning plans with budget, space, and position requests.

--The Council endorsed PC’s role as reviewer of coverage, not content, leaving content review within each division’s hierarchy.

--Chris will draft a memo to the President with our recommendations and ask all Council members to review and respond quickly.

B.  Planning items subgroups

Chris introduced the topic of recommending individuals and groups to the President to champion the items in the plan that need additional planning, e.g. developing a sustainability plan or planning for improved engagement with Tribal partners.  Council members were asked to consider nominees.

V.  Other business - none

Next meeting: January 23, 2019, 1-3 pm (note: no December meeting), MONTANA ROOM (NAH)


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.