Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:
Others Present:

Eric Austin

Terry Leist

Dean Adams
Tami Eitle
Jason Clark
Rob Maher
Kathy Attebury
Tracy Ellig
Tracy Dougher
Bob Mokwa
Sreekala Bajwa
Ian Godwin
David Eitle
JoDee Palin
Becca Belou
Megan Lasso
Chris Fastnow
Allison Reinhardt
Miranda Bly
Kellie Peterson
Ann Galloway
Colin Shaw
Jason Carter
Cody Stone
Stephanie Gray
Christine Stanton
President Cruzado
Chris Kearns
Michael Trotter
Ariel Donahue


  1. Welcome, introductions, and announcements
    1. The Executive Team joined Planning Council for this meeting.
    2. iChange update from Ariel Donohue. There are open forums on MSU’s draft “audacious goal” next week.
  2. Approval of minutes from 9/25 - approved
  3. Discussion
    1. Goal Prioritization Process with President and executive team

1. Planning Council submits recommendations to the President and executive team for approval before they are disseminated.

2. Five years ago, the President’s Strategic Funding Process was created as a way to reward units that further the goals of the Strategic Plan and as a way to even out funding without punishing departments that are overfunded. They spend a full week evaluating proposals in light of the goals proposed for prioritization by Planning Council each year.

3. President asked for feedback from PC members. Discussion ensued.

a. Discussion about accreditation: planning needs to inform budgeting, and outcomes need to be measured. MSU needs to go further by using standardized templates and reviews.

b. Improve communication to faculty and staff.

1) Clarify travel insurance requirements for international travel.

2) Share strategic plan alignments with university stakeholders.

3) Communicate to all faculty and staff how the reallocation investments are made. 2% cut is not intended for every unit, just at the college level.

c. MSU is hosting the Board of Regents 11/21-11/22.

d. Montana Education Board will be here the same days.

B. Budget Alignment with FY20 Priorities – Megan Lasso

1. Megan Lasso described the President’s Strategic Funding Process and the fiscal outcomes of reallocation and reinvestment in the last three rounds.

2. Process calls for alignment with the prioritized goals from Planning Council.  Outcomes by goal alignment were described for FY20 investments.

3. Budget Process slide deck attached for details.

C. Goal 1.1 Update – postponed to next meeting.

D. Fall Institutional Report – postponed to next meeting.

IV. Other business – none

Next meeting: November 20th, 1-3 pm, PCR


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.