Members Present: Members Present: Others Present:

Jason Clark

Bob Mokwa

Dean Adams
Tracy Dougher Allison Reinhardt Becca Belou
Chris Fastnow Colin Shaw Miranda Bly
Ann Galloway Christine Stanton Michael Brody
Stephanie Gray Michael Trotter Ariel Donahue
Chris Kearns   Ian Godwin
Terry Leist   Megan Lasso
Rob Maher   Craig Ogilvie


  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. Allison Reinhardt will study abroad this semester, so Planning Council will have a new Student Senate rep for the next few meetings.
    2. President’s Strategic Investment Process for FY22 will be Planning Council’s main focus in the spring.
  2. Approval of minutes from 11/20 - approved with caveat of future addition of a link
  3. Discussion

A.  Follow-up on planning groups – update

President will send charges to each recommended chair on the Follow-On Planning Recommendations.

B.  Review of unit plan alignments – share homework outcomes

  • Tracy Dougher noticed some units mentioned working with other units.
  • Stephanie Gray was happy that Communications plans to hire a person for Gallatin College.
  • Jason Clark noticed Goal 2.2 is well represented.
  • Megan Lasso said that resourcing will be one of the gaps. Most units will need resources and will have to get creative since resources are limited. Her office can help connect some dots.
  • Craig Ogilvie noticed a couple of units did not mention Graduate Education. He asked whether he should reach out to those units or whether OPA will reach out to them. Chris Fastnow advised him to reach out to them.
  • Bob Mokwa wanted to know how fluid this document is. Chris F. stated that it can be changed if units update their plans. She also advised people to embrace this and share it widely. Planning Council could ask units for annual updates. Units were originally told to feel free to send status updates or accomplishments they feel proud of.
  • OPA to put document on Planning Council’s website after redacting the comments.
  • Several members wanted to talk about references across units.  Terry Leist asked about shortcuts to finding his offices in others’ plan alignments. Chris Kearns asked about obligations from cross-division mentions.  The onus should be on the units that include others in their plans to reach out to those units.  Chris Fastnow recommend as a guiding principle the value of collaboration and the many mentions of interdisciplinarity and partnership in the plan.
  • Becca Belou recommended using the “Informed” column to quickly check who wants to work with each unit. Chris F. added that this spreadsheet does not count as the required notification.
  • Michael Trotter agreed that the resourcing piece will need to be taken step by step.
  • Terry Leist asked about the timeline since his unit is a support unit for nearly all of these. Bob Mokwa thinks the most important ones will show up in the President’s Strategic Investment Proposals (PSIP). The annual nature of this process may change the dynamics of plan achievement.

C.  Follow-up from November discussion: student:faculty ratios

  • Chris F. presented a Student:Faculty Ratio Measurement spreadsheet, which showed several different ways to measure this ratio.
  • Rob Maher expressed concern that the ratios do not seem to represent the fact that his classes having doubled in size. Chris F. confirmed that intensity is not reflected in headcount but is in FTE. Rob is concerned that these numbers are published and may be misleading. Becca Belou pointed out that the Provost’s office looks at these numbers at the department level.
  • Chris referred people to the KPI page to look at specific colleges or departments based on faculty ratios to majors, student credit hours, and degrees awarded.

IV. Other business – none

Next meeting:  February 26, 1-3 pm, PCR


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