Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:
Jodi Allison-Bunnell
Terry Leist
Rebecca Belou
Michael Brody
Rob Maher
Mary Kate Blake
Chris Fastnow
Michelle Miley
Jason Carter
Nic Fitzmaurice
Logan Schultz
Ariel Donohue
Katie Ivester
Ian Godwin
Chris Kearns
Megan Lasso
Ryan Knutson
Craig Ogilvie
Jennifer Lachowiec
Richard Rudnicki
  1. Welcome and announcements
  2. Approval of minutes from 3/23/2022 – approved
  3. Discussion
    1. Prioritization of goals for 2023-24
      1. PC members had a few minutes to prepare a pitch for the top priority goal from the perspective of their units.  Members then gave 1-minute pitches to elevate goals, including in order of appearance: 1.1, 3.3, 2.3, 1.3, 1.2, 2.1, 3.2.

      2. PC members discussed the merits of elevating only one goal versus two or three, where investments and improvements have recently occurred, and how to encourage responsibility-taking for the priorities across all university community members.

      3. PC members ultimately coalesced around goals 1.1, 1.2, and 3.3, emphasizing that the student-focused goals are twin goals and not in competition with one another, and that 3.3 is essential to getting these done.  In other words, 1.1 and 1.2 are the “why” and 3.3 is the “how.”

      4. Fastnow volunteered to draft a memo to the President for the council to review and comment on via email.  If the council can agree on email, we will not meet in May.

  4. Other business - thanks to members whose terms are expiring for their long standing commitment to MSU and their good work on the Council.
  5. Public comment - none

Next meeting:  TBD

Download a PDF copy of these minutes.