Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:
Jodi Allison-Bunnell
Katie Ivester
Rebecca Belou
Kristin Blackler
Chris Kearns
Mary Kate Blake
Sophia Burchfield
Jennifer Lachowiec
Ariel Donohue
Steven Davis
Terry Leist
Ian Godwin
Chris Fastnow
Susan Raph
Megan Lasso
Brian Gillespie
Craig Ogilvie
Brett Gunnink
Kathryn Pearson
Richard Rudnicki
Steve Swinford
  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. The Board of Regents meeting will be November 17 and 18. OPA Director Fastnow encourages everyone to pop in and see legislation in action. 
  2. Approval of minutes from 9/28/2022 – approved, with corrected attendance posted
  3. Discussion
    1. Additional items for work plan for AY 23
      1. What should we be talking about this year in Planning Council?
        1. Review last discussion: monitor goal updates, recommend priority goals, hear about resources for student financial health, planning to plan.
        2. Possible role for PC to give input to next housing project. Individuals who want to be involved can let VPAF Leist know.
        3. Please bring additional ideas for the agenda throughout the year to the chair
    2. Continute progress report on Goal 1.1
      1. Discussing progress on 1.1.3 through 1.1.5, the Council had a robust conversation about space for Gallatin College workforce programs, Associates degree awards for students who may leave short of a Bachelors but with the required credits, identifying students at risk of departing before they leave, reaching out to students before and after they depart, pending academic standing policy changes and attendant plans for interventions, dual enrollment, developmental education and co-requisite course delivery and improvements. Ivester brough additional data and information about Math co-req delivery and current improvements
      2. 1.6 refocused us on understanding the students that stay to learn why. The best predictors of staying is students’ believing someone who represents the university (faculty, residence hall staff, etc) knows them and is invested in their success and seeing a connection between the college education and their longer term purpose and goals. There was discussion of practical steps to improve connection to University and purpose, like JJCBE’s new first year expo, using NavMSU to reach out to students before Thanksgiving about getting a Spring schedule, and issuing an Early Alert or connecting directly with students.
      3. There was discussion around improving the data collection and reporting for 1.1.7

Fastnow exercised Chair prerogative to call for new business and public comment before the time elapsed for the meeting

  1. 4. Other business - none
  2. Public comment - none
  3. Returining to Discussion Items
    1. Fall Institutional Report
      1. This report annually addresses four questions: how many people work here, how many people study here, what are the student outcomes, and how much money do we spend. Council looked at part of the first question in this meeting and discussed the impacts of the hiring moratorium, delayed sabbaticals, other causes for the tenurable faculty trends.  Council briefly discussed student:faculty ratios.  Board of Regents suggests an 18 to 1 ratio across all students and faculty for every campus. This is the only target that has been explicitly laid out for us, but a conversation can be had about where the ideal should be.

Next meeting:  November 16, 2022 10:30 - 12 noon, MT Room

Download a PDF copy of these minutes.