Outreach Events
Bozeman Middle School students learn about Antarctic research, May, 2019
Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited the Chief Joseph Middle School in Bozeman, MT to talk to 260 seventh graders about the work the Priscu Lab does in Antarctica. Amy presented a slide show to the students, teaching them about limnology, microbiology and astrobiology in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. She also discussed how scientists live in the field in the Dry Valleys, and taught them about the WISSARD and SALSA subglacial lakes projects.
International Women in Science Day, February, 2018
Graduate student Carrie Harris volunteered at the "Women in Science Day" at the Bozeman Children's Museum and taught children how glaciers flow using flubber to simulate glaciers. This event was in celebration of International Women in Science Day. Local women scientists visited the museum with science experiments and activities for families. The goal of the day was to discuss Women in STEM, explore different fields of science, and learn how women in the community are advancing their fields. This event was a partnership with WISE – Women in Science and Engineering. Approximately 200 children attended this event.
Belgrade High School students visit the MSU Subzero Science and Engineering Lab, March, 2018
Post-doc Wei Li and graduate students Carrie Harris and Kim Roush gave a tour of the MSU Subzero Science and Engineering Research Facility to Belgrade High School students. They talked about their field experiences and research in the Dry Valleys with the students.
Montessori School students visit the MSU Subzero Science and Engineering Lab, March,
Post-doc Wei Li and research technician Amy Chiuchiolo gave a tour of the MSU Subzero Science and Engineering Research Facility to Bozeman Summit Montessori School kindergarten through third grade students. The students got to see how snow is made in the lab, how researchers dress to work in the clean lab, and where ice core samples are stored. They also learned about the microscopes used to look at microbes found in water and ice core samples.
Montessori School students learn about Antarctica, March, 2018
Post-doc Wei Li and research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited the Bozeman Summit Montessori School in Bozeman, MT to talk to kindergarten through third grade students about the work they do as scientists in Antarctica. Wei and Amy presented a slide show with pictures from Antarctica. They taught the students about animals in Antarctica, explained how people and animals are able to keep warm in cold environments, and told them about the microbes that live in the water they study. They let the students try on the cold weather gear they wear in Antarctica, and did a "blubber glove" exercise to show them how blubber keeps animals warm.
Webelo Cub Scouts learn about working as a scientist in Antarctica, May, 2017
Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited with a Webelo troop in Washington State via Skype and talked to students about the kind of work she does as a scientist in Antarctica. She showed them pictures and talked about both oceanographic research she did at Palmer Station, and limnological research she does in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.
Third graders learn about water in Antarctica, February 2017

Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited a third grade class at the Annie L. Sargent Elementary School in North Andover, MA during February 2017. She talked to students about water in Antarctica, including water in the ocean, in the McMurdo Dry Valleys lakes and streams, and in subglacial lakes. She answered lots of questions about how scientists drill holes through the ice in Antarctic lakes, and also talked about her experiences doing research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica.
Young fans learn about polar science, October 2015

Master of Science candidate, Priyanka Kudalkar, hosted a station at the MSU Alumni Foundation Future Cats event. Future Cats introduces young football fans to the awe of science before the big game. Priyanka taught young football fans how penguins stay warm in Antartica's chilly -49°C (-56.2°F) temperatures! Students were able to compare ice cold water on their bare hands, and while wearing "blubber gloves", which contain Crisco as insulation.
Students learn about Antarctica, April 2015
The Priscu Lab partnered with the Civil Engineering department to host students from grades 1-6 from a Bozeman Montessory Elementary School. Students visited the MSU Subzero Lab and learned about snow formation, glacier dynamics and Antarctic wildlife.

First graders learn about Antarctica, February 2015
Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited a first grade class at the Annie L. Sargent Elementary School in North Andover, MA during February 2015. She talked to students about her experiences doing research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica.
Colorado Springs Science Festival, October 2014
Graduate students Jeff Patriarche and Alex Michaud gave the talk "Frozen at the Bottom of Earth: The Life of Antarctica’s Ice" at the Colorado Springs Science Festival in Colorado Springs, Colorado in October 2014. They also visited 2 elementary schools and 2 high schools in Colorado Springs to visit with over 300 students. Students learned about conducting research in Antarctica and the importance of diminishing ice cover on earth's albedo through hands-on activities.
Henrichenburg Museum Hailstone Exhibit 2013-2014
An exhibition featuring photos and information about the microbiology of hailstones was provided by PhD student Alex Michaud and was on display from the 2nd of July 2013 through the 28th of February 2014. It was shown at the LWL-Industrimuseum Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg in Waltrop, Germany. The display was featured as part of the "Rain, snow, and hail: From weather to climate change" exhibit.
Polar Science is Cool Day, November 2013
PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick-Majors gave Bozeman Cub Scout Troop members a tour of the MSU Subzero facility and did a glacier outreach activity to teach the Cub Scouts about glaciers.
Antarctica to Massachusetts, October 2013
Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited a kindergarten and 3rd grade class at the
Annie L. Sargent Elementary School, both in North Andover, MA during October 2013.
She talked to students about her experiences doing research in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
of Antarctica.
Crow Education Partnership, 2012-2013
Monthly classroom visits with students and teachers were conducted by the Outreach Coordinator and Priscu Lab graduate students. Visits have continued each month since the beginning of the project in December of 2009. The Crow Education Partnership works with two schools on or adjacent to the Crow Reservation (Hardin Intermediate and Crow Agency School) and focuses on 11, 4th and 5th grade classrooms and teachers with a record 16 visits during the 2012-2013 school year (11 teachers; 185 students). Topics covered included polar science, adaptations, microorganisms and batik, geology with plate tectonics and seismic waves (Slinkies); Yellowstone extremophiles, invasive species, rock identification and mineralogy, glacier dynamics, and a variety of lessons on climate change using the Environmental Literacy Framework curriculum (ELF).
STEM Teacher Development, Summer 2012
PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick-Majors assisted with teaching in the Yellowstone Lake Ecology (LRES 557) and Crow Knowledge and Yellowstone Climate Change (LRES 570) classes, which are part of the MSU Masters in Science Education program.
Peaks and Potentials Summer Camp, June 2012
PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick-Majors did Arctic and Antarctic science outreach activities, 'Polar Science is Cool!', with elementary school students.
Crow Education Partnership, May 2012
For the second year, 150 students travelled to Montana State University to participate in an afternoon of science activities on the MSU campus. Students enjoyed a lunch surrounded by scientists and graduate students in the football stadium. MSU President Wadad Cruzado, and student athlete and American Indian Science and Engineering Society President, Steven Davis spoke to the kids from Hardin Intermediate School. After the lunch sponsored by the Priscu Research Group, students participated in 2 of 10 different science activities offered. Students learned about robotics, rocks and minerals, nanotechnology, avalanches and snow science, Yellowstone ecology, and astrobiology.
Crow Climate Change Summit, March 2012
In March 2012, LTER PhD student Katherina Hell and PhD student Tristy Vick participated in a daylong Student Climate Change Summit and interacted with 60 students and teachers as part of the Crow Education Partnership. The summit consisted of students talking with scientists, presenting their science projects to the scientists and student peers, and participating in a video conference with students and teachers in Virginia and North Carolina.

Kindergarten learns about Antarctica, February 2012
PhD students Tristy Vick-Majors and Alex Michaud interacted with over 250 kindergarten kids at the Ridgeview Elementary School (Belgrade, MT) during a visit to talk to students about Antarctica. Prior to their visit, the students built an igloo out of milk jugs.
Antarctica to North Andover, February 2012
Research technician Amy Chiuchiolo visited a pre-school class at the Community Cooperative Preschool and a first grade class at the Annie L. Sargent Elementary School, both in North Andover, MA during February 2012. She talked to students about her experiences in Antarctica, and explained how people and animals are able to keep warm in cold environments.
Science Olympiad, MSU, November 2011
The Priscu Lab sponsored an activity at the statewide Science Olympiad at Montana State University where over 1000 high school and middle school kid participated in science experiments and competitions.
Peaks and Potentials Summer Camp, June 2011
PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick-Majors did Arctic and Antarctic science outreach activities, 'Polar Science is Cool!', with elementary school kids.
Ridgeview learns about Antarctica, May 2011
More than 50 Ridgeview Elementary School (Belgrade, MT) students interacted with technician Amy Chiuchiolo and undergraduate student Hayden Wilson in May of 2011 during a visit to talk to students about Antarctica and how people and animals keep warm in such a cold environment.
Crow Education Partnership, May 2011
During May 2011, the Priscu lab group sponsored a field trip for more that 100 4th grade students that are part of the Crow Education Partnership, providing an afternoon of hands on activities and a tour of the MSU Subzero facility. Activities led by Priscu lab members included the use of microscopes in microbiology, led by Priscu Lab PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick, and how animals use blubber to keep warm in polar regions, led by LTER technician Amy Chiuchiolo and Priscu Lab Post-Doctoral Researcher Heather Adams.
Montana Education Association Meeting, Spring 2011
PhD students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick-Majors facilitated polar science activites, 'Polar Science is Cool!', with teachers from around the state of Montana at the Montana Education Association Meeting hosted by the Montana Science Teachers Association.
Science Olympiad, MSU, November 2010
McMurdo Dry Valleys science was featured during the 25th annual Science Olympiad at Montana State University where over 1000 high school and middle school kids participated in science experiments and competitions. The MSU Sub Zero laboratory was toured by 60 students and ice cores were examined. Trista Vick, MSc student in the Priscu Lab, volunteered as a coach at the Science Olympiad. She helped to organize activities for middle school students in the Montana Science Olympiad competition.
"Biology at the Extremes", Hardin MS, Fall 2010
PhD student Alex Michaud gave a talk entitled "Biology at the Extremes" to 8th grade students at Hardin Middle School, Hardin, MT. This talk incorporated many pictures and discussions of how life persists in the extreme environment of the dry valleys of Antarctica.
"Polar Science Day", Hardin Intermediate, Fall 2010
Alex Michaud, a graduate (PhD) student in the Priscu Lab, helped Outreach Coordinator Susan Kelly with a "Polar Science Day" at Hardin Intermediate School where they did hands-on science experiments with 4th grade students. View coverage of this event from the Big Horn County News.
Teacher Resource Fair
Outreach Coordinator Susan Kelly participated in a Teacher Resource Fair at Montana State University and highlighted ice-core classroom activities. Over 50 teachers attended the Fair.
"Science is Cool! Become a Polar Explorer", June 2010
Outreach Coordinator Susan Kelly and graduate students Alex Michaud and Tristy Vick participated in the "Science is Cool! Become a Polar Explorer" camp, a week-long summer camp experience for 20 5th -7th grade students at Montana State University.
Peaks and Potentials Program, June 2010
MSc student Tristy Vick volunteered for the Peaks and Potentials Program. She led activities for 7th grade students to learn about the cryosphere, Antarctic science, and life in the Dry Valleys.
Crow Reservation Partnership, December 2009
Outreach Coordinator Susan Kelly and the Priscu lab group developed the Crow Education Partnership with teachers and students on the Crow Indian Reservation (8 teachers and 150 students, Hardin Intermediate School District, Hardin MT). This new outreach program was featured in the Bighorn County News and focuses on polar research. Priscu Lab graduate students and scientists participate in this monthly program on the reservation, which serves 200 4th grade students and teachers, sharing information about Antarctic science from their experiences working as part of the limnological component of the LTER project.
Life in Ice documentary, 2002-2003
The Priscu Group, in collaboration with the Big Sky Institute and the MSU Science and Natural History Filmmaking program, produced the teaching video "Living Ice" (filmed during the 2002-2003 Antarctic field season) and synergistic classroom activity for high schools to excite students about microbiology and discovering life in Antarctica. View information about the documentary 'Life in Ice'