Participants and Projects
REU Students

Joe Lazarus
Summer 2017
Mentor: Amy Chiuchiolo (Research Associate)
Project: Worked on particulate carbon and nitrogen analysis of samples from the McMurdo Dry
Valley lakes collected as part of the LTER project.

Stephen Pedersen
Spring 2014 - Spring 2015
Mentor: Amy Chiuchiolo (Research Associate) and John Priscu
Project: Worked on longterm LTER underwater PAR data from the McMurdo Dry Valley lakes as part
of the Undergraduate Scholars Program through MSU. Presented his work in a poster
titled "Analysis of long term photosynthetically active radiation data from McMurdo
Dry Valley lakes to identify turbidity stratification patterns" at the MSU Student
Research Celebration. Worked on analyzing LTER samples (particulate carbon, nitrogen
and phosphorus) in the lab during summer 2014. Worked as part of the Field Team in
Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 14-15 field season.
Bryan Close
Spring 2006 - Spring 2007
Mentor: Dr. Christine Foreman (postdoctoral research associate) and John Priscu
Project: Worked on Flow Cytometry of ice samples in the lab at MSU. Worked as part of the Field
Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples. Worked on Flow Cytometry on lake
water samples in Antarctica.

Brianna Arnold
Microbiology student at MSU
Fall 2003 - Spring 2007
Mentor: Dr. Brent Christner (postdoctoral research associate) and John Priscu
Project: Worked on Vostok ice cores in the lab at MSU.; Worked as part of the Field Team in
Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples.

Delisa Rogers
Mentor: Dr. Christine Foreman (postdoctoral research associate) and John Priscu
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples.

Tucker Stevens
Engineering student at MSU
Spring 2002 - Summer 2004
Mentor: John Priscu
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples. Worked
on underwater light (PAR) data analysis at MSU.
Undergraduate Students

Cameron Hearne
Recent graduate (B.S.) in Microbiology at University of California
Fall 2016
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 16-17 field season.

Justin Lawrence
Fall 2013
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 13-14 field season.

Tyler Bridges
Microbiology student at MSU
Fall 2012
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 12-13 field season.

Paloma Lopez
UCSC Minority Access to Research Careers Fellow
Summer and Fall 2011
Project: Worked on the isolation and characterization of Hymenobacter granizonis sp. nov., from the natural, upper atmosphere sampler: a hailstone, during Summer
2011 with PhD student Alex Michaud. Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica
collecting Limnological Samples during the 11-12 field season.

Hayden Wilson
Summer 2010, 2011, 2012
Project: Worked on bacterial enumeration of Antarctic lake water samples taken during the 2007-2008 Polar Night project. Worked as part of the Analytical Team during the 10-11 Antarctic field season. Analyzed particulate phosphorus and sediment trap samples from the McMurdo Dry Valleys.

Courtney Thurner
Summer 2010
Project: Worked on a project on dark carbon fixation in Lake Fryxell with MSc student Tristy Vick-Majors.

Alyssa Doering
Spring 2009 - Winter 2010
Project: Worked on bacterial enumeration of Antarctic lake water samples taken during the 2007-2008 Polar Night project. Worked as part of the Analytical Team during the 09-10 Antarctic field season.

Loralee Ryan
Fall 2009
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 09-10 field season.

Holly Priscu
Summer 2009
Project: Working on data from the 2007-2008 Polar Night project.

Dan Frost
Summer 2008 & Summer 2009
Project: Worked on statistical analysis of longterm limnological data and underwater light (PAR) data at MSU.

Andrew Baber
Fall 2008 - Spring 2009
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the 08-09 field season. Worked on a PPR/PAR model with Dr. Priscu for presentation at the 2009 MSU Undergraduate Scholars Fair and Earth Sciences Colloqium.

Phil Lee
Winter/Spring 2008
Project: Worked as part of the Field Team in Antarctica collecting Limnological Samples during the Polar Night project.

Danny Beissinger
Summer 2008
Project: Worked on bacterial enumeration of Antarctic lake water samples taken during the 2007-2008 Polar Night project.
MAP/AIRO Students

Tyler Subatch
Mentor: Tristy Vick-Majors (PhD student)
Project: Temperature sensitivity of bacterial isolates from Subglacial Lake Whillans.

Stephin Littleshielf
Mentor: Alex Michaud (PhD student)
Project: Quantification of gas bubble volume in polar lake ice.
Currently: Accepted on Full Scholarship to Dartmouth College

Zhona Tang
Mentor: Brianna Arnold (undergraduate student)
Project: Effects of oxidative stress on the growth of microorganisms from the accretion ice
of Lake Vostok.

Sierra Davis
Mentor: Joel Moore (MSc student)
Project: Characterizing antibiotic resistance and production of Lake Vostok bacterial isolates
in comparison with more common isolates.

Leona Bird
Mentor: Dr. Brent Christner (postdoctoral research associate)
Project: Resistance to Freezing and Thawing in bacteria Isolated from Glacier Environments.

Nate Tucker
Mentor: Jill Mikucki (PhD student)
Middle School Students

Chase Jordan
7th grade student - Chief Joseph Middle School, Bozeman MT
January-March 2011 & January-March 2012
Mentor: Alex Michaud (PhD student)
Project 2011: Worked on growth characteristics of Vostok Ice Core isolates. This project won 1st
place at the Butte Regional Science Fair, and 2nd place at the Montana State Science
Project 2012: Investigated the abundance and diversity of ice nucleation active bacteria. This
project won a Blue Ribbon, Gold Medal, and was nominated for the Broadcom Masters
competition at Butte Regional Science Fair.

Hans Swenson
7th grade student - Chief Joseph Middle School, Bozeman MT
January-March 2011
Mentor: Alex Michaud (PhD student)
Project: Worked on growth characteristics of Vostok Ice Core isolates. This project won 1st
place at the Butte Regional Science Fair, and 2nd place at the Montana State Science

Sierra Fisher-Dykman
7th grade student - Chief Joseph Middle School, Bozeman MT
December 2010 - February 2011
Mentor: Tristy Vick-Majors (PhD student)
Project: Investigated the impact of UV radiation on microbial growth and the implications for
life on Mars.

Fritz Kalakay
January-March 2010
Mentor: Alex Michaud (PhD student)
Project: Worked on a culture-dependent analysis of microbial communities in snow from different
habitats in Montana. Fritz went on to earn 2nd place at the Regional Science Fair in Butte and a Gold Ribbon at the Montana State
Science Fair in Missoula.