Glass Boxes containing NO biological or chemical contaminants may be taped shut and disposed of in your building's dumpster. If you need assistance in determining the status of the materials and whether they can go in the trash, please contact the Hazardous Materials Manager (x7803) for chemical and the BSO (x6733) for biological questions.

 denotes required fields.

Requestor Information
Pickup Location
Department Accounting Contact Information
What size sharps container are we picking up?


Pick-ups are typically scheduled weekly, please allow a minimum of one week for waste pick-up. If you have not had your waste picked-up within 10 business days please contact the appropriate program manager directly using the directory below:

Type of Request
Program Manager
Chemical & Hazardous Waste
Patrick Ryan


Biohazard & Sharps Containers Waste
Patrick Ryan
Radioactive Material & Waste
Nick Childs