Thum Lab manual (as of Jan 2022)

This living document is intended to make what is often implicit as explicit as possible for members of my laboratory. This includes expectations of lab members (including myself), and direction and information that is intended to help lab members succeed in reaching their professional – and perhaps even personal – goals. I expect all lab members to read this when they first enter the lab, and I recommend prospective lab members read it as one way to evaluate whether the lab might be a good fit for them. If you have any questions from reading it, I am always happy to discuss this individually or as a group. As this is a living document, I expect it will change over time. To that end, please comment and make helpful suggestions. While the document may change over time, I expect you to abide by this document as it is unless and until there is an explicit conversation that agrees to a change.

Interested in joining the Thum Lab?

If you are interested in coming to Montana State University to work with me, please feel free to shoot me an email ([email protected]) and we can go from there!

Prospective graduate student helpful resources

We are excited you are thinking about persuing a graduate degree!

Please visit the PSPP gradute program page for general idea of what to expect when applying to a graduate program in the department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology. This page will give you a general overview of what you need to know if you are thinking of applying to the department of Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology. It includes important dates, as well as important links to provide more information about the department. 

For more information on the program specifics, such as suggested coursework during your time at MSU, choosing your graduate thesis committee, departmental exams, as well as FAQs, please visit the PSPP graduate student policies and proceedures page. 

Additionally, here is a link to the Graduate School resources page. This page can help with any broader questions you may have about graduate school at MSU. There are links that provide more information about the Graduate School itself, admissions, navigating graduate school, along with news and other useful resources.

Prospective undergraduate students helpful resources

We are excited you are thining about persuing an undergraduate degree or research in Plant Sciences!

Please visit the PSPP undergraduate programs page for more information in which plant sciences major would be best for you.

Undergraduate Research Program

Undergraduate research enchances students' learning by providing different hands-on opportunities to apply their skills and knowledge obtained in the classroom. Additionally, it encourages students to think differently than they normally would and engages students in problem solving. Undergraduate research provides experience for students who are applying for graduate school, or planning on working in a professional field. For more information on the Undergraduate Research Program, please visit MSU's Undergraduate Scholars Program page.