Wednesday, August 10, 2022

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
SUB Room 235
Printable Minutes


Waded Cruzado, Kenning Arlitsch, Sreekala Bajwa, Camie Bechtold, Janelle Booth, MIchael Brody, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Tracy Ellig, Stephanie Erdmann, Chris Fastnow, Beverly Garrison,  Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey-Gilbert, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Robert Hawks, Jeff Heys, Stefani Hicswa, John How, Yves Idzerda, Chris Kearns, Greg Kegel, Ryan Knutson, Chere LeClair, Terry Leist, Bob Mokwa, Chris Murray, Doralyn Rossmann, Tricia Seifert, Kim Obbink, Lucas Oelkers, Craig Ogilvie, Kellie Peterson, Sarah Shannon, Royce Smith, Cody Stone, Amber Vestal, Kristof Zaba


  1. Call to Order
    President Waded Cruzado

  2. Approval of Minutes from May 11, 2022

    Dean Gunnink moved to approve minutes; Dean Caires seconded, and the minutes were approved unanimously.

  3. University Wide Information/Announcements

    President Cruzado welcomed new ASMSU leadership, Faculty Senate leadership, Vice President of Research and Economic Development Alison Harmon and incoming Deans Tricia Seifert, Doralyn Rossmann and Jeff Heys.

  4. Public Comment

    There was no public comment offered.

  5. New Items

    A. University Student Accommodations and Appeals Policy
        Jennifer Glad, Associate Legal Counsel; Mike McNeil, Director of Disability Services

    The proposed new policy addresses the university’s process for students to request accommodations to          access university programs, activities and services. It also provides an appeal process for when a student        disagrees with the accommodation process or a decision regarding disability accommodations. 

    There was a motion to suspend rules for an approval of policy today from Dean Gunnink; seconded by            Vice President Harmon.  Cody Stone moved to approve, and it was seconded by Dean Sreekala Bajwa.              The new policy was approved unanimously.

    Limited Submission Research Policy
         Nicole Motzer, Director, Office of Research Develop

    The limited submission research policy addresses
    The limited submission research policy addresses how MSU manages and selects proposals to forward when a funding agency will only accept a limited number of proposals. The proposed revisions modernize the policy’s language; remove procedures from the policy so that changes to the process can be implemented in real time, such as changes to technology; and transfer management of limited submission opportunities from the Office of Sponsored Programs to the Office of Research Development. Informational Item.

       A.  MT 988 Project – Social Art/Design for Impact
           Bruce Barnhart, Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Art

    Bruce Barnhart shared how students created impactful artwork for posters on suicide prevention which      will be disseminated across the state to raise awareness for the new MT 988 number for suicide                         prevention and mental health crisis lifeline.

    B. Choosing Promise: Strategic Plan Priority Goals for Academic Year 2023-2024
          Chris Fastnow, Director, Office of Planning and Analysis

    Chris Fastnow shared the following goals for 2023-2024:  GOAL 1.1: Broaden access for underrepresented populations and increase academic success for all students through excellence in undergraduate education.

    As the state’s land-grant university, Montana State invites participation in exceptional higher education, widens participation of under-represented student populations, and improves student success outcomes overall.


    1. Enrollment of students who are economically disadvantaged, first generation, veterans, adult learners, individuals with disabilities and from underrepresented races and ethnicities will increase in each group’s share of the student body by two points by 2024.
    2. Eighty percent of student financial need will be met by 2024, compared to the current 74%.
    3. Montana State University will increase the number of 1-year and 2-year degrees and certificates awarded by 50% by 2024 (to 360).
    4. Montana State University will increase the number of Dual Enrollment students by 40% by 2024 (to 700).
    5. Montana State University will increase developmental education and co-requisite course completion rates to 75% by 2024.
    6. Montana State University will increase retention (from 72% to 85%) and six-year graduation (from 48% to 60%) rates for all incoming Montana State students and will reduce disparities for students who are economically disadvantaged, first generation, veterans, adult learners, individuals with disabilities and from underrepresented races and ethnicities by 2024.
    7. Montana State University will increase the number of students who receive national and international awards, honors and prestigious scholarships.

    GOAL 1.2: Expand high-quality graduate education

    Montana State University will enroll and graduate more degree-seeking students at the graduate level and enhance the quality of graduate degree programs.


    1. Montana State University will enhance its graduate education portfolio with appropriate balance across programs including the social sciences, humanities and arts by 2024.
    2. Montana State University will match up to 20 additional externally funded graduate research assistantships with institutionally supported and competitively awarded graduate research assistant appointments, aligned with Grand Challenge areas, annually by 2020.
    3. Montana State University will increase the number of research doctoral degrees (to 90 from 66), professional practice doctorates (to 30 from 25), and Master’s degrees (to 650 from 566) awarded annually by 2024.
    4. All graduate degree programs will undergo systematic review and, if appropriate, redesign to ensure that they are structured to meet the diverse career paths of today's students by 2022; &

    GOAL 3.3: Foster a culture of collaboration, continuous improvement and individual growth

    Montana State University and its students, faculty, and staff engage in a reciprocal relationship that values each member and improves the university environment.


    1. Montana State University will improve and increase collaborations between curricular and co-curricular units to support student success. 
    2. Montana State University will increase the number of collaborative grant applications and awards with investigators across curricular, co-curricular, the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station, Extension and other units.
    3. Montana State University will increase the average faculty and staff compensation to the representative peer market average by 2024.
    4. Montana State University will increase faculty and staff participation in health and wellness, personal, management and professional development opportunities.
    5. Montana State University will make and annually monitor progress on the 2017 MSU Diversity & Inclusion Frameworkthemes (Campus Climate and Intergroup Relations, Education and Scholarship, Access and Success, Leadership and Accountability, Communication).
    6. Montana State University will develop a comprehensive sustainability plan by 2020 with measurement and annual progress reports to campus.
  6. Public Comment

    There was no public comment offered.

  7. Updates

    Dr. Stephanie Santorico is Montana State University’s ACE Fellow for the upcoming academic year.

    Chancellor Kegel, Chancellor Hicswa and CEO/Dean Erdmann shared summer successes and impactful updates and new hires from the affiliate campus communities.

    President Cruzado recognized Tom Stump for 33 years of service and thanked him for his exemplary leadership as he heads into retirement.

    University Council adjourned at 10:00am.

NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2022, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM.