Wednesday, September 7, 2022

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
SUB Room 235
Printable Minutes


Waded Cruzado, Eric Austin, Sreekala Bajwa, Camie Bechtold, Janelle Booth, Matt Caires, Leon Costello, Chris Dobbs, Ariel Donohue, Tracy Ellig, Stephanie Erdmann, Chris Fastnow, Beverly Garrison, Stephanie Gray, Jeannette Grey-Gilbert, Brett Gunnink, Alison Harmon, Robert Hawks, Jeff Heys, Stefani Hicswa, John How, Yves Idzerda, Chris Kearns, Greg Kegel, Ryan Knutson, Chere LeClair, Terry Leist, Dan Miller, Bob Mokwa, Chris Murray, Doralyn Rossmann, Tricia Seifert, Kim Obbink, Lucas Oelkers, Craig Ogilvie, Kellie Peterson, Sarah Shannon, Royce Smith, Cody Stone, Amber Vestal, Kristof Zaba


  1. Call to Order
    President Waded Cruzado

    President Cruzado called meeting to order at 8:30am.

  2. Approval of Minutes from August 10,  2022

    Terry Leist moved to approve minutes; seconded by Lucas Oelkers, and minutes were approved unanimously.

  3. University Wide Information/Announcements

    President Cruzado welcomed Eric Austin as Chair of Faculty Senate this fall and Stephanie Santorico as MSU’s ACE Fellow this academic year.

  4. Public Comment

    There was no public comment offered.

  5. Old Items

    A. Limited Submission Research Policy
        NIcole Motzer, Director, Office of Research Development

    No additional feedback was provided, and the policy was moved to approve by Dean Brett Gunnink; seconded Dean Smith, and the policy was approved unanimously.
  6. New  Items

    A. Name change for Foundation Seed Program
        Sreekala Bajwa, Vice President & Dean, College of Agriculture

    Dr. Bajwa has requested to change name to Montana State University Foundation Seed program.  There was a motion to suspend rules by Dean Royce Smith; seconded by Terry Leist and the motion was approved unanimously.  Dean Smith moved to approve the policy; seconded by Chris Fastnow, and the policy was approved unanimously.

    B. International Travel Policy Revision
         Kristof Zaba, Dean, Office of International Programs

    Proposed revisions to the international travel policy expand the type of external resources used by MSU’s Campus International Safety Review Committee when advisories from the U.S. Department of State and CDC are not available or are outdated. The revisions would also clarify that student travel to certain destinations should be approved by the Campus International Safety Review Committee, whether or not the study abroad experience involves earning academic credit. And the proposed revisions include language to ensure that all MSU travelers follow applicable MSU Human Resources policies and other procedures. Provost Mokwa thanked Dr. Zaba for his important work on this subject.

    C. Real Estate & Leasing Policy Revision
         Aurora Dreyer, Real Estate Manager, Campus Planning, Design & Construction

    The proposed revisions to the real estate leasing policy expand definitions to include subleasing, cellular site/antenna leases, property management and lease administration, and they define roles and responsibilities when the university enters leases with non-university entities. The proposed revisions also include guidance for the purchase, exchange or sale of real property and the process by which easements are granted.  Many kudos were shared with Aurora on her knowledge and her outstanding contributions to MSU.

  7. Informational Items

    A. Choosing Promise: Goal 2.2: Interdisciplinary Scholarship
         Chris Fastnow, Director, Office of Planning and Analysis

    Chris Fastnow shared updates on:  Goal 2.2 Expanding interdisciplinary scholarship – MSU will secure at least one new interdisciplinary training grant or center grant for each Grand Challenge area by 2024.

    Metrics 2.2.2 – MSU well exceeded the target for this goal. And Metric 2.2.3 increased scholarly products that are authored by faculty from two or more academic units by 10% each year.

    Metric 2.2.4 9 – MSU will review current policies, resources and facilities that affect interdisciplinary scholarship and develop sustainable models for shared interdisciplinary resources by 2022.

    Alison Harmon shared where this is working within core facilities.  President Cruzado shared this is one of the most exciting parts of the Strategic Plan for students to have hands-on experience

  8. Public Comment

    There was no public comment offered.
  9. Updates

    Provost Mokwa shared the Career Fair has 203 vendors Oct. 5-7, 2022, in the SUB.

    Chancellor Hicswa shared MSU Billings’ student enrollment is up about 5% and retention may hit an institutional record.

    Chancellor Kegel shared MSU Northern is two weeks into the start of their academic year with lots of engagements and activities on campus.

    CEO/Dean Erdmann shared great growth on campus.  Targeted to exceed 3-5% with their 8-Week blocks.  Dual enrollment is very strong.

    University Council was adjourned at 10:00am

NOTE:  The next University Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 2022, from 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM. Please note the location will be Inspiration Hall in Norm Asbjornson Hall on Oct. 5.