USP Sponsored Programs and Awards

The USP offers internal programs to help you launch your research career as an undergraduate.  Learn more and find detailed instructions on how to apply to our programs: 

USP Research Awards

Funding to conduct undergraduate research or creative projects. Academic year and semester awards are available.


USP Travel & Conference Awards

Non-competitive funding to present projects at academic or professional conferences 


First Year Research Experience

Designed to connect first year & second year students with hands-on research experiences
(not offered AY 24/25)

USP Application Portal


MSU Partners and External Programs

On campus, you'll find multiple programs open to undergraduate researchers. Below are some programs with whom we regularly work. If you want more information about any of these, reach out to the USP office.



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Other Funding Opportunities

The USP facilitates and co-facilitates funding opportunities for a number of special programs each year ranging from the National Conference on Undergraduate Research to Smithsonian Internships. Check out current opportunities on our Special Programs Page!


Find Mentors and Research Opportunites

Tips and ideas for finding research opportunities

Overview of USP Programs & Award Deadlines

Fall and Academic Year Program Applications September 
NCUR Proposal Deadline Early December
Spring  Program Applications December
NCUR Travel Early April
MSU Spring Research Celebration Late April (abstracts due a month before)
Summer Program Applications January-February