Thank you for your interest in mentoring undergraduate research!  Please see below for an overview of general program information, as well as some of our most frequently asked questions.  


Yes –collaborative projects are welcome and encouraged. Please see the instructions for group projects page for more details.

Maybe. In general, we do not fund projects that are a required part of a student’s academic curriculum, although exceptions may be made for students who have extensive project costs or time commitments due to taking on ambitious, “above-and-beyond” capstone or class-related projects. USP typically defers to the faculty mentor’s judgment as to whether a project meets an above-and-beyond quality, with respect to the curricular requirements.

Maybe. USP does not provide travel grants expressly to support students’ participation in study-abroad or expedition-based courses, although students planning to engage in a substantive research or creative project in conjunction with the trip are encouraged to apply for project support through our research awards program.

USP has funded a number of successful expedition-based projects in the past, and welcomes these applications. Please keep in mind that expeditions-based projects may face unique challenges ranging from language barriers, to accessing data/subjects, to time constraints in balancing an independent research project with the rigors of the course and travel schedule. Students and mentors should carefully consider the time investment a project will require both in the field and in preparation before the trip (establishing contacts, conducting the background research, etc.). Please be sure that you can commit to helping your student(s) follow through with the project and associated USP program requirements (public presentation, end of term reports, etc.) before suggesting that they apply.

Maybe - if the service learning project involves a substantive research component then yes. If there is not a substantive research component, then no - the project falls outside the scope of USP funding.

Yes. Please keep in mind that student work should move beyond simple lab or research assistance (data entry, routine lab tasks, etc.) to active engagement in framing and answering the research question(s). Proposals must be written by the student, although we encourage mentors to provide guidance and editorial assistance during the drafting process.

Yes. Students can either apply for USP 490 credits, or independent research credits through their home or research department. In either case, as the faculty mentor, you will be the grading authority. Please see the credits page for more details on the options and administration for academic credit.

Yes. While, mentors should not “double-pay” students for any single set of hours worked, they can certainly supplement USP funding for additional hours worked, or to account for differences in funding rates. Mentors are also welcome to support projects by providing supplies or support for other project costs (travel, training, etc.).

Students should indicate which project expenses (if any) their mentor/lab/research group will be assisting with on the “budget” page of the electronic USP application. USP will file all paperwork associated with the USP stipend, and mentors should work with their department accountants to initiate any paperwork for supplemental funding through their department or research grant.

Reviewers look for originality and significance of proposed projects, feasibility given the proposed timeline and student’s experience level, and overall quality of the written proposal. Proposals should be well researched and adequately cited, with all required areas addressed. Academic performance is taken into consideration, as well as the contribution the project makes to scholarship in their field of study. For more details, see out tips for writing successful research proposals page.

There is no formal minimum GPA requirement to apply, although academic performance is considered during review. Students should be in good academic standing, and priority funding will be awarded to students with strong academic records and students with records of academic improvement over time.

No – USP is open to all MSU undergraduates.

Yes – as long as they have sufficient experience and expertise with the subject area, research methods, and associated compliance mechanisms (for example, IRB process or public lands permissions) to help their student successfully navigate and complete the project. Students should briefly address their mentor’s connection/background with the project in the “collaboration with faculty mentor” section of their proposal.

Graduate students can assist with project oversight and mentorship, but each applicant must have a faculty member willing to serve as the official project mentor and USP point of contact.

Our main requirements pertain to a student’s undergraduate enrollment status (i.e. must be at undergraduate status, enrolled as full-time students – with some exceptions for summer enrollment and soon-to-be graduating seniors). Please see our eligibility requirements page for a full list of eligibility requirements.

Please see out how to apply page for a full overview of the application process.

If your student is not funded, please carefully review proposal feedback with your student (this will be posted in the student’s dashboard at the conclusion of the review process). If you think there has been a discrepancy or misunderstanding in the review, please contact the  USP Program Director,to discuss the outcome of the review